
Hi guys,

For those of you interested in Adolf Galland, his downfall, the formation and operational/training methods of JV44, you can’t go past-JV44 The Galland Circus by Robert Forsyth.

This book is an excellent source of reference with extremely rare photos and lots of rare info, including the infamous Aeropag.

Regards to all,

Thanx Digger, I will keep my eyes peeled, may I ask how the book is as in pages?

For those of you interested i could not recommend this book highly enough. Much of the information is sourced from the members of JV44. The book starts with introductions by Adolf Galland and Walter Krupinski and there follows 354 pages of excellent informative reading. There are many photographs and colour illustrations, not just of the Me-262s flown by the unit, but also the Fw-190D-9s used for airfield protection.

This book also deals with the events leading up to the disastourous position the Luftwaffe found itself in during 1944.

Published by Classic Publications ISBN 0 9526867 0 8

Regards to all

Another good one…


Operations by the Fw-190D-9 airfield defenders of JV-44 are well documented in the book JV-44 with some very interesting colour plates. I presume The Dora’s of Galland’s Circus is more detailed. Have you read it Panzerknacker?

Regards to all

Unfortunately not, but I can tell you that the color plates in this are excellent…I think that is more a modelist oriented visual book.

since I know the publishers of the Doras of the Galland Circus let me put in a future plug of volume 2 of the Fw 190Dora by Jerry Crandall due out in 2007. the JV 44 booklet will have more new materials and will be included in the massive Dora volume. volume 1 will be many unpublished photos and colour prints by Tullis as well as the operations of Dora units, something I am looking fondly forward to

Thanks for the info Erich. Is the first volume still available? The second volume looks very interesting indeed.

Thanks and ragards Digger.

Hi Digger and thanks for the nod on the book! :wink:

G’day Jimma. This is an excellent book which clears up a lot of the late war mysteries surrounding this unit and the Luftwaffe to a degree.

It also has a chapter devoted to the fallout between Goering and Galland and the infamous Aeropag.

Regards digger.