kamikaze pilots ..identified as unit 71 squadron - Japanese Forces | Gallery

kamikaze pilots ..identified as unit 71 squadron

"just to confirm...when we die... we meet at the second cherrie tree behind yasukuni's main gate, if you get there first, you must wait...we enter the shrine together" said by the lieutenant nakanishi to his unit members... but he is the one who survived from his unit...

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/japanese-forces/20089/kamikaze-pilots-..identified-as-unit-71-squadron

Here’s my take on the pic, to me the guy with his back to the camera has his harness strap’s crossed over his back, and i would think that it would be difficult, although not impossible for his chute to fully deploy in this configeration, and that to me the straps should be vertical with the shoulder’s for the most anvantageous exit of the chute from the bag it is wraped in. As for the other guy’s in the photo, we only guess as to what they have on. It seam’s like quite a complex harness system to be wearing if these are indeed Kamikaze as the text describe’s. I would think if they are going to blow themselve’s up using a harness of this complexity would be seen as a waste of war material by their supply and dispencing agent’s, but who really know’s , I guess.