Kapitänleutnant FRIEDRICH GUGGENBERGER [2] - German Navy | Gallery


Kapitänleutnant FRIEDRICH GUGGENBERGER (*March 6, 1915 in Munich, +May 13, 1988 in Erlenbach). Holder of the Knight's Cross with Oakleaves, commandant of U 28, U 81, U 847 and U 513. After the war he made it up to Rear Admiral in the German Bundeswehr. With U 81 Guggenberger sank the British carrier HMS Ark Royal, with U 513 he got attacked by an American aircraft. The U-Boat sank, only Guggenberger and six other crew members made it out of the boat. Being a POW in the US he failed in an attempt to escape, 4 miles away from the Mexican border he got caught. Suffering from Alzheimer's Disease he went for a walk in the woods of Erlenbach/Main on May 13, 1988. He never returned, his mummified body was found two years later, identified by his wedding ring only. (Bundesarchiv Bild 183-B13197)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-navy/40355/kapitanleutnant-friedrich-guggenberger-2

Great post. An adventurous life no doubt. An unusual ending for an unusual life, makes my own life seem boring as hell by comparison and I don’t have a “9 to 5” kind of job. May he rest in peace. Cheers, Neutral.