KC Holders Generals Pictures

Hello Gentlemen,

Happy New Year to all !!!

Im looking for pics of these KC holders generals, I know, some names are elusives,but anyway…
can anyone help me ?

Very thx in advance,

Otto Fretter-Pico
Ernst Haccius
Arthur Hauffe
Hugo Höfl
Hermann Hölter
Helmuth Huffmann
Werner Hühner
Gustav Hundt
Herbet Wagner
Richard Zimmer
Siegfried Rein
Werner Richter
Hans-Günther Rost
Walter Schilling
Werner Schmidt-Hammer
Wilhelm Schneckenburger
Mauritz Freiherr von Strachwitz
Arno Jahr
Hans Kamecke
Franz Karl
Karl-Erik Koehler
Günther Krappe
Max Lindig
Vollrath Lübbe
Wilhelm Moser
Richard Müller
Philipp Müller-Gebhard
Karl von Oven
Rudolf Peschel
Georg Pfeiffer
Kurt Pflieger
Johann Pflugbeil
Helmuth Prieß
Georg Radziej
Heinrich Recke

This site may be of some help to you?


Hello SS Tiger,

Yes, this site have a lot of men im hunting :smiley: ,but the pictures are too small :cry:

Thx Anyway.



I would suggest just Google image searching the names and see if you come up with anything

I found Hermann Holter picking his name at random

Otto Fretter-Pico

Mauritz Freiherr von Strachwitz