Keep Serbia United Petition

“No Independence For Kosovo!!! KEEP SERBIA UNITED!!” petition

Um, why? The Kosoves have the right to decide in which type of state they want to live…

Kosovo is the historic territory of Serbs. The influx of Albanians into the region took place after WWII. Albanians have no rights to the region.

If, let’s say, Latinos in some area of the US declare independence? The US government will let them go just because they form a majority in the area, will be bombing Americans who disagree with it? And what about millions of Mouslem emigrants in the EU? Conduct a poll? European Khalifat will be the right solution one fine day?

Very well said Kato:)
This’s first point where i fully agree with you.
The case with new criminal muslim state in Europe could creat threat for all of us in future.Even today the 80% of drug-traffic come to the Europe through the muslim states. Besids all we know today how the muslims react for the freedom of speach and critic of the Muhhamed.
But much more importaint problem is that many of the state have its OWN separatists: Spain has the basks, Britain - irelands, Turkey - kurds and ets.
So the present of independence could provoke the new stage of bloody conflicts EVEREWHERE.
The Europeans should understand it.
If the Kosovars kiss the american at ass TODAY - this is not mean they will love them through 10-15 yeas.
We clearly saw it i the 1980 when USA created and suplied the Al-kaeda in Afganistan.Rumsfeld was the best friend of Bin Laden.
But what was happend later- the Alkaeda began to kill the americans and today this is the the most danger threat of the world.
Does we need to repeat this scenario in the Balcans?
Americans come and back away - but we will live here all time.
We know what going on when Muslims families born 4-6 childrens - thay do not CARE about any education except may be the religious.
So wher will goes the crowd of muslim fanatics?To the plants and factories?Unlikely.
The most likely they will go to the criminal bisness.
So the New Albania in the Europe - i do not think we all need this.
And Europeans ,who is not idiots, should understand this danger.

Really why Nick?
Why the native population of America who lived here for the thousands year BEFOR the white even come - was round up in reservations just like a wild animals - have NO RIGHT to live in its own state.
But the people who have come to the Balkans just 50-70 years ago and has INSREASE OWN population till the MAJORITY in some of regions due to the additional emigrants and high-birth rate - now HAVE RIGHT for the own state?
Is this no funny for you?

Couldn’t care less about the balkans, wouldn’t mind if it vanished into the mediterranean. History comes back to haunt serbia for gavrilo, that’s good news.

But 100% of said drugs are used by Europeans.:slight_smile:

And the NATO strategy in the Balkans has largely kept Islamic jihadists out…

And as for your other points, I agree that Rumsfeld was a complete idiot, among others in the US admin, but the US wasn’t the only country that screwed up and destabilized Afghanistan. Remember, the Soviets invaded first and sent a marginally stable country into absolute chaos for the next 30 years…

And I can hardly blame Kosovars for not wanting to live under the nation that brought us ethnic cleansing and Milosevic…

Thank you for very honest reply!
Very arrogant but honest. Well done!

Well, you see that’s where you contradict yourself, along with your good friend Kato. While the US owes the Native Americans much, we certainly are going to put them back in power because of historical events that took place over the last 300 years or so when they’re a tiny minority. That would be completely anti-democratic…

But the people who have come to the Balkans just 50-70 years ago and has INSREASE OWN population till the MAJORITY in some of regions due to the additional emigrants and high-birth rate - now HAVE RIGHT for the own state?
Is this no funny for you?

First of all, I think you’re vastly oversimplifying it. The Balkans have never been very stable and are a lesson of what happens when nations try to create nations out of scratch in hopes they prevent smaller nations from invading each other. Yugoslavia survived for a time under Tito and a very specific time of historical circumstances. And the Muslims are far from the only criminals in the pogroms that took place in the 1990s…

Serbia reaps what it sowed…

Exactly. US whites created a new reality, new refference point. Let’s call it democratic one. And judging from that reality it would be strange to revert the situation around native americans.

That is the whole point about history and politics that smart people arroud us are trying to create new reality and ones they succeed they clame that it is wrong to go back. They of course do not want to discuss that creating the new reality was wrong in the first place…

As and the fact that 100% customers of Columbian drugs imported into the USA - are americans.
But does it mean that your gov SHOULD support the Narco production in Columbia?

And the NATO strategy in the Balkans has largely kept Islamic jihadists out…

… and what did NATO to prevent the jihadists in Balkans?

And as for your other points, I agree that Rumsfeld was a complete idiot, among others in the US admin, but the US wasn’t the only country that screwed up and destabilized Afghanistan. Remember, the Soviets invaded first and sent a marginally stable country into absolute chaos for the next 30 years…

It wa not soviets Nick who made the “revolution” in Afganistan- it was Amir who later ASKED The soviets to enter the troops to support the “revolution”
So the afganistan was VERY far from marginally stable country in the 1979.
Like and Iran in that time:)

And I can hardly blame Kosovars for not wanting to live under the nation that brought us ethnic cleansing and Milosevic…

But could you blame the serbs minorities in Kosovo for they not want to live in radical islam state whre the ALL Ortodoxy christians churches are broken and burned out.And where they could be killed by the new Muslim Majority.
COuld you blaime the Serbs for that not wanting to tear its state for a pieces.
Would you calmly watch as for instance your Indians from Dakota, Uta and ets declare the Independent state?:slight_smile:

If Kosovo is retained as a part of Serbia, will the Kosovans receive fair representation in their governement - if so, why are they all migrating to Britain?

Is it economically viable for Kosovo to become independent?

Speaking of ‘new realities’ is not the new reality one in which the global economy will have to adjust in order to prevent globalwarming, and, if so, will that not upset democracies which are driven by market forces - what becomes of corporate America?

Posted by Nickdfresh

First of all, I think you’re vastly oversimplifying it. The Balkans have never been very stable and are a lesson of what happens when nations try to create nations out of scratch in hopes they prevent smaller nations from invading each other. Yugoslavia survived for a time under Tito and a very specific time of historical circumstances. And the Muslims are far from the only criminals in the pogroms that took place in the 1990s…

Serbia reaps what it sowed…

The rest of Europe was never stable either. However, it does not go about Yugoslavia.
It goes about Serbia and its integrated part - Kosovo that was free from Albanians just some 50 years ago. If some European states and the US are ready to tolerate independent Kosovo run by Abanians they should be ready to give independence to similar multiple enclaves populated by Moslims on their European territories of in the nearest future. Such Kosovo-like enclaves already exist in the EU ( for instance the area of French Marseille )
and others ar being formed very quickly.

Well, History has incomparably much more for what it can haunt Germany.

Germany will inevitably face the same problems in 30-40 years throughout its lands considering your demographic tendencies. I reckon we can try to guess how Bundesrepublik Deutschland will be called at that time.

Do you think Northern Turkey will be banal? Please share your variants.

They should be represented in the parliament and gov of Serbia- there is no any doubts.
Like the chechens today are in the gov and parliament of Russia.
And they migrating to the Britain- do you really think they STOP migration after declaration of independence?:slight_smile:
I think they will migrate even MORE intensive.

Is it economically viable for Kosovo to become independent?

Oh sure that would be fully economically vialible, be sure dear Bravo:)
likely via the drug selling and criminal bisness like kidnapping and ets.
Coz HOW could be economically vialible the nation that destroyed all the plants builded by the Serbs 20-40 years ago?

Kato as much my good friend as your one:)
He is a fierce anti-soviet, do you forget like you warmed up him in the thread about communism:)
And what are talking about Nick?
Who is that you are put back in power?Indians?
Did i miss something- may be there was an “Native American” president in USA ? Or at least one Indians-conrgessmen?:slight_smile:
What do you mean Nick?

And the Muslims are far from the only criminals in the pogroms that took place in the 1990s…
Serbia reaps what it sowed…

But all the serbians ARE the criminals - sems this thought was inspired at you by the CNN?
If Serbs deserved its destiny - why the albanians should avoid WHAT THEY SOWED?
Just coz they are the Americans “friends” today? And coz you think the USA could ALWAYS controll them the Muslim state via the military power?Like the Pakistan or Iraq?
But where the GUARANTY of that?

Just a comment guys - there is utterly no point signing an online petition like that, they’re almost always totally out of date and are universally ignored. Even those on the 10 Downing Street site (where you have to put a valid UK address in to sign) are universally ignored by the government…

Not really, we already paid our dues.

First of all the demographic tendencies wouldn’t result in a muslim majority for several hundred years and they are subject to change. Our times of ethnic cleansings are a thing of the past and the muslims enjoy the same rights as everyone else in germany so I can’t really see the threat of secession. The birthrate of the muslims is indeed larger atm but the largest birthrate is actually that of the Hindus, so maybe I should be afraid that I won’t be allowed to eat a steak in 30 or 40 years :mrgreen:

As Nickdfresh has put it, the serbs had it coming. And the world would be a better place if you russians hadn’t always backed the serbs in their wrongdoings because of an idiotic concept like panslavism.

No, I don’t really have an opinion, Chevan, I’m not well enough informed. I was just asking for opinions. We have experienced some of what you describe, here in the UK, but I’m not convinced that your prophecy of doom is altogether sound.

What I am aware of, is that in the not too distant past, people of that region have made similar charges about one group or another in order to ferment racial hatred, and justify ‘Ethnic cleansing’.

I have to ask: if the Kosovans are so bad, why would the Serbs want to keep them on board? Why not seperate?

Also, I would ask: if the Kosovans are as bad as you claim, what is it that has driven them to become the way they are? Usually, these actions, as you describe, are those of an oppressed people - are they not?

We in England like to romanticise about Robin Hood, but those that he was against would have described he and his merry band in a similar manner as you describe the Kosovans. Oppressed people without access to power usually turn to criminal acts (for the law is there to protect property from the mob) or rebellion, look at the Russian revolution, it’s all there.

Ha ha ha Kato … did you hear it, you are a russian.:smiley:
Now you see the Ukrainians always will consider as the sorf ( or kind) one of manies russian nationalities in west:)
Whatever you tell about it:)

because of an idiotic concept like panslavism.

BTW Drake if you talk about concept- do you really think that concept of Union of different states so idiotic? And what about Union Europe?