Ken Livingstone

Nasty, spiteful, angry little man who somehow got elected Mayor of London TWICE!!!

He invites terrorists to London as honoured guests, both Irish and Islamic.

He lied about the congestion charge - won’t go up for at least ten years after coming into force. Raises it immediately after his re-election.

Now, he’s attacking the Metropolitan Police over the de Menezes affair. Even the Brazilian Ambassador has come forwards to say that they don’t think there’s a cover up. See - it’s breaking news at the moment, so just on the applet ticker.

Bar steward of the highest order.
Oh, and I suspect a Stalin-apologist. Not sure why I think this, it’s probably because he’s a communist and they are pretty much as bad as each other.

You’re not wrong - one of the many (not so) “ex-” Communists in the Labour Party.

One of the people at the forefront of the PC movement, who then goes and abuses a journalist with antisemitic remarks.

Funded (with taxpayer’s money) a propaganda rag given out free on the Underground (IIRC), which is full of pro-Red Ken rhetoric.

Cnut of the highest order.

one bullet - Ken Livingstone or George Galloway?


Then hammer the cartridge case through Livingstone’s forehead

couldnt you get them to put their heads together?

Does the gun evapourate when it fires the single bullet, or can’t you use it as a club? (or maybe a hammer for that cartridge you’re “giving” Ken?)

Two words:


Its an SA80. with a full magazine (30 rounds not 28) hence you only get one shot then you get an over-engineered paperweight. with which to smite the for’d of your chosen MP.

Mind you Mr Sir Ian Blair, could it be possible he with helds some truths.