KIA German in Russia - Dramatic Photos | Gallery

KIA German in Russia

This German soldier has been hit by the enemy fire while attacking the 10th Russian Army (Central Sector), circa 1941.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I’ve been searching for this pic for a long time, couldn’t find anywhere. This is supposed to be one of the best-known war photos in Germany. Pacifist movements use it as a logo with the inscription “WHY?”.

Actually it comes from a book of mine which follows the progress of WWII on a daily basis. I guess it says it all about the absurdity of war (much like Capa’s picture of that KIA Spanish Republican). Anyway, let me know if you wish a larger version of it, Flame.

i have a book" The War" with this pic along with 3 others captioned " the moment of death "it also shows a german Mg and 2 red army soldiers simultaneously kill each other, frame by frame