Kissing Romanian flag. - Romanian Forces | Gallery

Kissing Romanian flag.

Romanian Soldiers kissing Romanian flag.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

”Romanian Soldiers kissing Romanian flag.”: really? This is the most retarded description I’ve come across.

Photo shows recruits taking the oath, supervised by a veteran on the right, 31 may 1943.

Below the source and explanation of the photo:
Staatsarchiv Freiburg W 134 Nr. 032602
Sammlung Willy Pragher I: Rumänienbilder / ca. 1930-1992 > 1941-44 [Filmnegative, Ordner 290] >
Bukarest: Fahnenkuss wird gefilmt / 31. Mai 1943
Fotograf: Willy Pragher
Art der Vorlage: Filmnegativ
Rechteinhaber: Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg