Kiwi Firefly. - Other Forces | Gallery

Kiwi Firefly.

Sherman Firefly of the New Zealand 4th Armoured Brigade, Italy, early Autumn 1944. Best regards, JR.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

In another post(which I can’t find :/)there was talk of a Firefly being at the Army Museum in Brussels.So yesterday I went to see a temporary exhibition and at the same time go take some photos of the Sherman.Alas,the tankyard was empty!Just some post WW2 vehicles and a Chaffee and Patton :frowning: left.
One of the superintendants told me they moved all WW2 tanks to a new site at Bastogne where they will be restored .Some will even be made roadworthy for special occasions.I’m going to go there in a year or so when all is ready.So future visitors of Brussels beware,you need to make time to go to Bastogne too :slight_smile: