
Why does this clown like to come here every few months and spout complete fantasy nonsense? :mrgreen:

The Germans really developed the “Fat Man” plutonium bomb and Patton stole it from them? Huh? Ian Flemming (Bond, James Bond. :smiley: ) secured a Nazi nuke? Oh, okay!

After reading a few of his posts, he seems to be the typical wonder-weapon “what-if?” fanboi…

It’s a seasonal thing.

The mating season for, and with, sheep is over, so Kiwi men who are unattractive to sheep have to find an outlet for unreleased testosterone.

This explains it.

(I have one of those shirts / jackets worn by the bloke in the video, and they are top gear in cold weather, but I’ve just gone a bit soft on wearing it in public in case someone thinks I’m a Kiwi sheep shagger.)

Maybe he’s sublimating due to being turned down by the Sheep.(they must have standards ) is the best of the lot - he’s even going so far as to invent new elements that are apparently not elements at all. Either scientific education is very poor in NZ or he’s a bit of a nut.

Gee, that’s a hard choice.

I’ll need to think about it for a while.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I’m not sure why you assume that he was turned down by more than one sheep.

Sheep do indeed have standards and, as a herd animal, a turn down by one is a turn down by all.

The flock doesn’t want to be flocked by a flockwit.

:mrgeen: He’s sort of old to be a Nazi-wonder-weapon-fanboi, isn’t he?

I love the way that particular article is illustrated with a photo from a machine that used to be on the site I work at - I still work on it’s big brother. And his explanation totally doesn’t fit the science :smiley:


The mythical Unobtainium. Even Madge had a chuckle from that link.

It’s better than that. He seemingly can’t tell the difference between gamma rays, X-rays and neutrons, and about the only thing he’s got right about Tokamaks is the colour of the light given off (although that’s a function of the fuel, and his quoted fuel would give off a different colour - oops!).

I think he’s trying to say that “Xerum 535” is some sort of secret recipe rather than a new element, but his writing is so poor it’s hard to tell. The idea of squirting hydrocarbons and mercury into a plasma is hillarious though - the big problem we have with plasmas is not losing all the heat so fast, and conversely when we want to stop them we squirt in Argon gas. Being relatively heavy it rapidly cools the plasma and stops the reaction. Mercury and hydrocarbons are both a lot heavier, and so would stop the reaction faster. They’re so much trouble that mercury is banned outright and we spend weeks baking the machine to get rid of the minute hydrocarbon traces from fingerprints and the like.

Either way, that reaction wouldn’t produce many neutrons anyway - tokamaks only produce a lot of neutrons when you’re running them with tritium fuel gas, and that requires a working nuclear reactor to breed it to start with. Which they didn’t have. Deuterium only fusion isn’t aneutronic, but you only get neutrons when you form Helium-3. Which is 0.000137% of all reactions - not a promising start! Best guess is he read a book on fusion physics sometime, decided the Russians were too dumb to invent a tokamak and so that they must have got the idea from the Germans. He’s then tried to reverse-engineer this “German” programme from what little he knows about fusion - probably from Wiki, although even Wiki isn’t usually that bad - and made some hillarious bloopers in the process.

Perhaps he is Dr. Bruce Banner, and is posing as a mildly idiotic Barman in order to keep his Alter Ego “Hulk” a secret, until he can perfect the reversal process. :wink: Aside from having spent too much time as a child looking through the X-Ray shoe fitting machine, I have limited experience with Nuclear stuff. I always enjoy seeing super secret elements being discussed, like in this ad for a firearms optics in which they (wink, wink)divulge information on the use of other types of rare compounds. "Proprietary-230-+485 degree stable Bertrillium-Zantitium™ multicoated optics on both primary and secondary and all interior lens groups " These elements must be listed in the same table as unobtainium. Perhaps Kiwiguy works for them. (in his off hours from being a Nuclear Physicist/Barman/Superhero) :mrgreen:
