Knocked out captured Sherman - US Armor & Vehicles | Gallery

Knocked out captured Sherman

The 157th Infantry Regt., 45th Div. began house-to-house fighting for Aschafenburg on 28 March, finally capturing the city on 3 April. During the final stage of the fighting, there was an encounter between a M36 tank destroyer of the 645th Tank Destroyer Bn. and this captured M4A3 tank being used by the Germans. Besides the German crosses, the words "Beute panzer" (captured tank) were painted on the M4A3 to prevent German troops from firing on it. It was knocked out by a 90mm hit on the glacis plate evident above the right headlight.(rudeerude)

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Flame is right, you did as you were told. Das Reich has a company of T34/76’s at Kursk.

Not really. 211th Panzer-Abteilung fought in Northern Europe and was issued with Somua S-35 and Hotchkiss H-39. Also 21st Panzer-Division used a great number of S-35.

I was just wondering something looking at this picture.How they convinced a German crew to man this tank? Voluntary or ordered knowing how weakly armored the Sherman was.