Knocked Out German Armor N. Africa

And yes I know that #6 is Italian…:lol:

impressive pics, thanks!


Those are some impressive pictures, very high quality. Where did you find them?

Everything you ever wanted to know about Beja</a</a>></a</a</a>></a</a</a>>…+Tunisian+Tigers%3C/a%3C/a%3E%3E…+Tunisian+Tigers%3C/a

That’s a lot of information. Thanks mkenny.:smiley:

Brilliant pics - thanx for sharing.

North Africa ??? :shock: What is that green grass over there ? Looks to me more like a Italy or something …

Depends on how northern you go/ if water is nearby. Remember that not all of North Africa is a desert:D

Well maybe my view is mistaken too much watching films showing North Afrika mostly as desert LOL :slight_smile: Otherwise the tanks if i can call them still so look quite horrible like a tornado of allied bombers passed over them .

Well, I’m not a tank veteran, but I’ll tell you what I believe caused this carnage:

Aside the fact that tank shells do indeed pack quite the punch, you have to keep in mind that each tank is carrying his own ammunition inside it, too. So if a shell penetrates, the chances that it ignites the fuel and/or the ammunition stored inside are relatively high - Which in turn leads to quite the fireworks and the carnage you can see in the pictures.

Also, I don’t know whether there wasn’t actually air support, too…

Well, Beja is in Tunisia, after all. There are pine forests in the mountains in north western Tunisia. I was caught in a snow storm outside of the mountain village of Le Kef.

Seen a number of these pics over the years.
I think a lot of them were destroyed by crews abandoning them.
Arent the Tigers from a group that got bogged and were destroyed by sappers before they could be recovered?

I concur with the post stat above…
…demolition charges are a probable cause of such comprehensive damage, inc’ spiked guns…