Knocked-out Hetzer - German Armored Forces & Vehicles | Gallery

Knocked-out Hetzer

Ok,used Google translation so blame Google not me if it makes little sense :) Lined in the Camp de Beach (Camp de Bitche) German tank destroyer "Hetzer» (Jagdpanzer 38 (t) Hetzer. Near the ACS crew member was killed. Location: Camp de Beach, France Time taken: 17/03/1945 original caption: Подбитый в районе Камп де Бич (Camp de Bitche) немецкий истребитель танков «Хетцер» (Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer). Рядом с САУ убитый член экипажа.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I like this tank, but how was is effectiveness ?

Principally it was highly effective, it had a low silhouette, a hard hitting 75mm ATG with a secondary MG on the top. To operate the machine gun it ws not necessary to climb up and to risk getting shot, it was operated from the inside. The armor was not the best, though it relied there moreon being pretty low and therefor hard to hit.
Overall, not a bad tankkiller.