Kursk - carnage and wreckage. - German Armored Forces & Vehicles | Gallery

Kursk - carnage and wreckage.

Destroyed German PzKpfw III, Ausf. L tanks at Kursk, 1943. There has been some tendency in recent times to "revise" the view of Kursk as "the greatest tank battle in history". Perhaps some revision is called for. However, 'photos like this do suggest that in the course of the operation (notably, perhaps, at Prokhorovka), a number of very unusual intense and "pure" tank-on-tank actions, comparable to a medieval meleé, took place. Best regards, JR.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-armored-forces-vehicles/47588/kursk-carnage-and-wreckage.

I read something strange that is supposed to have happened during the kursk battles.Is it muth or true?
‘The T-34′s 75mm main gun could not penetrate the Tiger’s frontal armor, but the barrel itself could at full speed, and the Soviet tank crews simply crashed nose to nose into the Tigers, punching through into the interior, and fired, blasting the Tiger’s turret into the air. This routinely incinerated both crews.’
Anyone else ever heard of this?