Kurt's latest.

I have read here about member “Kurt” and that he occasionally pushes neo nazi / skinhead stuff. He posted the following today, (post # 10 in the following thread) and to me it seems like it’ll go south in a hurry. Should this be nipped, or left to develop further.

Re: Holocaust denier presses on

Quote Originally Posted by flamethrowerguy View Post
I'd like to add that Holocaust denial is an element of a crime in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
If convicted one could get a fine or prison sentence up to 5 years.
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”

Is it possible to agree with punishing people for having a different point of view about an historical event in XXI century?, We have had a discussion in this forum about Dresden, I lost 3 members of my family there, baked. But I can not appeal to a faked "sensilbility" to avoid disccusing the historical events and try to establish the true facts about that tragedy or crime, whatever you want to name it.
Maybe it wasn't 6 millions, it was 10 millions, but it must be established with out any doubts and all the arguments of the deniers been proved false. But imprisoning people make raise doubts instead.

I’d say let post there, but we should watch the thread closely! (just a small note…next time place a link to the thread, to make it easier for us)


Holding an advanced DUH-gree in computer science, I dont know how to do that. But if you need to know how to make Wrought iron,or Damascus steel, I’m your man… :slight_smile:

There’s a “report post” button next to every post (triangle in bottom left - hover over and the explanation will come up). That creates a thread in here with a link to the offending thread, and emails all the mods automatically. That’s what I do whenever something catches my eye but I don’t think it justifies an insta-ban.

I wouldn’t go so far and call him a neo-nazi or skinhead-typed guy, these people mostly don’t know shit about history (at least over here). At least kurt proved some basic knowledge in history.
On the other hand, Germans (or people of German origin) living somewhere in South America…well, always a reason to be cautious.

I didn’t have a serious problem with his post, although I was making allowances for what I thought were language difficulties.

It seemed to me that he was raising a legitimate point about whether people should be punished for their mere opinions, rather than actions, and I responded accordingly.

The remaninder of his post is ambiguous because of his fractured English. It might support or oppose the Holocaust deniers. I’d await something clearer before moving on him.

I see Kurt has begun the “Jew” stuff again, And makes more apologies, and promises. They fail to soothe me. Whether he is just scatter brained, or being deliberate, he has had sufficient opportunity to change his tune. I think its “say bye time”

I believe he still owes an answer to that ‘jew state’ thing, doesn’t he?

He gave a bit of a rambling excuse,with a link to another of his sites, apologizing, and promising yada yada just like every other time.

He posted some sensationalist hack article headline from what was/is a rightist British newspaper/tabloid called Daily Express along with assorted small quotes from what obviously is a kook website…

He purports to have answered it, but he hasn’t explained it at all as his response doesn’t directly address his original comment.

I don’t think he’s genuine, with the possible exception that he’s a genuine idiot.

I’ve had him marked as a neo-Nazi troll from early in his career here.

I think it’s time to make it clear to him that one more offensive remark or trolling post, regardless of his alleged intentions, and he’ll be banned without further warning.

That’s acceptable, it shouldn’t take him very long to stick his foot in it again.

To be quite honest I’d have been OK with an insta-ban after the “jew state” comments, but I’ll accept giving him a final warning.

If the majority favour an insta-ban, I’m happy with that.

At this point a Ban would be preferred, having thought about it a bit more, he hasn’t altered his behavior despite numerous, and specific informal, and formal warnings, and a penitential holiday.

An insta-ban has seldom been more deserved…

Is this a majority?

pdf27; Nick; Tankgeezer; and me supporting the apparent majority?

George Eller is absent and Firefly may well be (He’ll let us know if he’s not)

FTG (no disrespect, Mate) becomes irrelevant unless he’s the casting vote.

Count me in, personally I’m not to keen about alleged Germans with a neo-nazi/Holocaust denying attitude in the first place.

This was posted before I amended my last post to refer to FTG, so he was only referring to the bit he quoted in his post.

Not that it probably made much difference.

This may well be an historic occasion.