KV-2 heavy tank - ammunition stowage?

One thing that seems very hard to track down about this monster is just how the 36 rounds of 152mm shells were stowed. I have also never seen internal pics of the turret either :frowning:

Internal pics of the turret of KV-1 are not so hard to find. The old Osprey Vanguard Soviet Heavy Tanks shows off 3-4 pics of a KV-1 turret interior; but again no KV-2. Although the only known surviving KV-2 is in Moscow, and there are some doubts circulating as to weather it is a proper KV-2 at all…

So, has anyone seen any pics of the interior of the “Dreadnoughts” turret?


Try contacting the Tank Museum at Donnington in Dorset, I think they only have a KV-1, but they may have some information about the KV-2 that would help you in their archives. I’ll see if I can find the phone number tomorrow, I think I have the tourist leaflet upstairs somewhere - one of the 118s should have it though.

Thanks BDL.

I will send off an email to them; have done so twice in the past and found them really helpful.

Thanks again.

No probs mate, only live about 20 minutes from there, may have to take a trip out next weekend. If I remember (and if you’ve had no joy via email) I’ll ask around for you.

The only surviving KV-2 is at a central city-located open-air museum in Moscow. Unfortunately I dont have the time or funds to fly out there and take a look!!!

From what I’ve heard, they also dont have a library or archives place? This is a real shame I think…

20mins from Bovington! Thats really nice :wink: wish I was that close!

Just sent off the email asking for info (if they have any) on the KV-2; although it does say they prefer questions in writing? Well time will tell I guess!

If you’ve had no joy by next weekend, PM and let me know and I’ll ask about it when I’m next down there.


Found so far…

Also I found blueprints for KV-2 on http://armor.kiev.ua/Tanks/WWII/KV/kv2/kv2.html