Latvia during WWII

I don’t know if topic is in the right place, if Moderators think that not, please move to the General discussion.
I don’t also know much about reliability of the source nor sign myself underneath.
The only reason for placing such link is to start discussion without creating
any animosities among Forum members.

Please look at this site:


Latvians were extremely inhumanly treated by Russians. Unfortunately, they were just one of many nations, which had to face the incoming “Freedom from the East”.
I am afraid that the knowledge about all genocide which took place in Eastern Europe and whole Soviet Union is still insufficient, especially in so-called “Western World”.

Hi, Lancer. You’re everywere !
It’s Nazi site. For fully picture remember about civil victims of latvian Waffen SS . Besides , 1941-45 in fashists Latvia were murdered 330 000 soviet war prisoner and about 313 000 civil (jew, russians, belorus, ukrains and poles). Feel the difference.
But i think information of your site is true. The “big red therror” began in 1917 in Russia. Bolshevics kills millions citizen of Russian Impire. They used methods like in 1940 in Pribaltica.
But that facts don’t cover of latvian nazi.

Hi Chevan,
You’re right, Latvian nazis murdered a lot of people.
Even in Warsaw ghetto uprising they had been visibly present.
Nothing will explain or justify their atrocities.
But what explanation you have for NKVD atrocities shown on this latvian site?

Just - “It’s Nazi site.” Very convenient explanation…

But, who invaded Latvia and other Baltic states? Eskimo people?
Or maybe American Apache?
Who started all this?
As far as I know Latvians are and were peaceful people which did not wanted anything from Soviet Union.


What’s anger you, Lanser? I agree that NKVD could kill this peoples.
Who started all this? Well i think it started Lenin, Trotsky end ets.
But do you know who help those extremists? “peaceful people” like regiment of “Latvian shooters” in 1917 in Petrograd.
Evil always come back.

Hi Chevan,

I’m not angry at you at all. It would be silly.
I’m just being a bit sarcastic…

Yes, I read about “Latvian shooters” as Lenin’s guards…
So, you think that NKVD avenged what they did in 1917?


No of couse,“Latvian shoters” was the “herous who rescued Great proletar revolution”.NKVD didn’t need of revenge. It was the theory of working class therror , which was transformetted for new conditions in 1940.