Legion Condor - Medalla de la Campana. - German Forces | Gallery

Legion Condor - Medalla de la Campana.

From a series of "Life" magazine photographs recording the return to Germany of the Legion Condor to Germany (June 1939). Good example of the wear of the Medalla de la Campana (Campaign Medal for the Spanish Civil War) awarded to all German "volunteers" on the Natonalist side as well as Nationalist Spanish participants by the victorious Nationalist regime. This quite striking medal (alloy composition with black and gilt finish, some 3.8 centimetres in diameter) was worn on the left breast (as here) usually below "senior" medals (if any). The medal was worn from a three-striped ribbon in the Spanish colours of red and yellow, with yellow in centre, with narrow black borders (as here). One slightly curious point - I have seen some examples of the ribbon that appear to have a faint blue centre-stripe; it is not entirely clear, but this may be an example. Does anybody know whether this is of any significance, or am I just imagining it ? Best regards, JR.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/31976/legion-condor-medalla-de-la-campana.

The Bombing of Guernica (Operation RĂ¼gen) was an air raid conducted on this symbolic Basque population on 26 April 1937 during the Spanish Civil War, by the German Condor Legion and Italian Legionary Aviation, who fought in favor of the rebels. Current estimates put the dead victims in a range that covers from 120 to 300 dead, 126 according to the most recent and comprehensive study .

The Guernica was the first carpet bombing aimed at destroying a city. The international repercussions reached this bombing coupled with the use of propaganda has made it a slaughter world renowned and considered as an anti-war icon. As a result, the tragedy was exploited by both sides and mythologized for propaganda purposes.
Saludos Jorge