Lend-Lease White Scout Car - Soviet Forces | Gallery

Lend-Lease White Scout Car

The US-made White Scout car.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/soviet-forces/18764/lend-lease-white-scout-car

communist buddies? who do you think finally beat communism?if hitler had held off for another year or so, and not invaded poland, stalin would have seen how strong germany was getting and made the first move, then we would have ended up helping germany fight russia instead of vice versa, just a what if…

I am not sure of it, Rick. The USA declared war on Germany (and Italy) because they were allied with Japan (who had just attacked them in PH). This was not the case for the USSR. The Cold War results from WWII, not the opposite.