Leni Riefenstahl Privat Photos


she is a welknown director - her biggest time was during ww2 - where she filmed e.g. the olypics and other films for Adolf Hitler

Leni Riefenstahl Photos


Did she make a film called Weisse Holle ? Sorry, no German characters on my keyboard, in English White Hell.

mate , she actualy played in film “The White Hell of Pitz Palu” as actress.

Thanks Chevan, I saw an article about the film in a German magazine, my German skills were not such that I could get through the entire article though…

That’s my favourite photo of Leni Riefenstahl, showing her on her 101st birthday together with two other well-known German ladies.

Leni’s one of my favorite persons from the Third Reich era. I have watched her Triumph of the Will and Olympia many times. In the latter, I think she gave a lot of camera time to the non-German athletes, particularly Jesse Owens.

A couple of years ago I recorded The Wonderful Horrible Life of Leni Refenstahl (not sure this is the exact title). She looked wonderful, considering then that she was in her nineties. She claimed that she was never Josef Goebbels’ mistress. The propangda minister definitely liked beautiful women–and Leni was beautiful–she was ambitious, even though she was never a member of the party. She definitely was appalled by the atrocities that she witnessed in Poland, and never went back.

Goebbels, who didn’t edit his diary, wrote that Leni was his mistress, for a time. I can’t see why he would have put this in a diary that he never went back into, unless he was writing for posterity and wanted to brag that he had possessed another beautiful woman.

If the poor Goebbels just knew the formed symbol of Nazis era cinema propogand will happy in company of two gays:)
BTW i heard that the other famouse germans female actress - Marlen Ditrich was a…lesbian.And the one of besic reason she didn’t return to Reich was the beginning of nazis persecution of gays in Germany , is it true?

LOL Marlene Dietrich a lesbian? Um, nope! :smiley:

This is a family board, but let’s just say she gave much aid and comfort to the US Army and men of all ranks…and she was a German actress no longer after 1939. She became an American one and hated the Nazis…

Edit: Wiki does say she was bisexual. But I’ve heard she “entertained” numerous US and Allied soldiers during WWII and was a bit insatiable…

As a callow youth around 1965 I worked in a shop in what was then Melbourne’s premier hotel and got to hold Marlene’s foot while fitting her for a kangaroo fur moccasin or some equally sophisticated Aussie delight.

She had a hacking cough and looked like a hag who bore no resemblance to her stage and public presence, which revealed to me the wonders of women and make-up while discouraging me from exploiting the opportunity to have a perve up her skirt into dark regions where welding rather than make-up would have been required to overcome the ravages of age.

This destroyed my fifteen year old’s ambitions, having just discovered what gigolos did with older women when no sheilas my age would consider it (with me, anyway :frowning: ), of running away to the south of France and being paid absurd sums by older women to shag myself stupid.

At least she taught me that even I had principles. Or maybe just standards, low though they were. :wink: :mrgreen:

P.S. What’s this shit about this being a family board? We tolerate Herman the Second, don’t we? :wink: :smiley:

Yes she was…
I have read the passage from Pol Rassel book “100 short stories of famouse gays and lesbians”.
Besides the Marelen herself never hided their lesbian life.
Her first girlfriend was Erich Maria Remarque, then was writer Mercedes de Acosta ( which also had a “relationship” with Greta Garbo , another famouse holliwood lesbian).

101 years old respect…
yeah :slight_smile: ( well-known German ladies )

same here

I don’t think so.

Erich was a bloke.

Well known to you, but not to us.

Who are they?

And is the bloke on the left wearing some sort of wings of possibly WWII significance on his titties?

Three cats, and only one of them is genuine.

I enjoyed Maria Riva’s biography of her mother. It was very revealing, sort of a love/hate relationship with her mother, Marlene Dietrich. Marlene had scads of lovers, male and female. A very strange relationship with her long-term husband and mistress. I felt sorry for the poor woman, the way she was put upon by both Marlene and her husband. Maria Riva was very fond of her, however.

Especially the parts about the lesbians? :slight_smile:

Besides the Marelen herself never hided their lesbian life.
Her first girlfriend was Erich Maria Remarque



…then was writer Mercedes de Acosta ( which also had a “relationship” with Greta Garbo , another famouse holliwood lesbian).

She had affairs with members of both sexes, but primarily men with the long term relationships. Back in the Hollywood of the day, many of the women, including Garbo, (and some of the men) were bisexuals and not so neatly defined as gays or straights. She also had a relationship with a US Army colonel that I believe might have been killed in action and had numerous dalliances with numbers of soldiers both enlisted and commissioned as she entertained them both on-stage and off (she wasn’t all that prejudiced or discerning). She also had a penchant and skill for “juggling lovers.” :slight_smile:

how do you know?:slight_smile:

They’re well-known on the northern hemisphere at least…

I believe her military lover was General Gavin.