Leningrad Front - Colorizations By Users | Gallery

Leningrad Front

Ivan Antonov sniper

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/colorizations/37038/leningrad-front

"Voina, voina," war is war, Soviet soldiers used to say sadly in WW2, and rightly so. And it is plain that neither side can claim the moral high ground in that conflict.

But just for the record, and it’s nothing personal Za Rodinu, according to reliable historical accounts, which I loath to ignore, during the mass breakout from Budapest in February, 1945, Soviet snipers killed countless escaping unarmed civilians, as well as retreating Axis soldiers. So I can not say that I appreciate your endless attention (adulation?) to Soviet snipers, but that is my problem and not yours.

I do know that you are trying to be very fair to both sides, which is very commendable of you, and that you seem to be a decent young man, but I guess my feelings come to the surface also, just like yours do. "Voina, voina." Best wishes to you.