Leon Degrelle in Spain. - Modern/Post-War Photos | Gallery

Leon Degrelle in Spain.

Leon Degrelle, Roman Catholic playboy-journalist turned Belgian (Walloon) "Rexist" Party (Fascist) political leader turned Waffen-SS soldier. Degrelle ended up as commander (at least nominal) of the SS "Legion Wallonie" (later a nominal division) on the Eastern Front. Having effected a hair-raising escape to Spain at the end of the war, he lived out a long exile there, operating as a sort of informal Nazi elder statesman. He often wore his old SS-Standartenfuher uniform, with his medals (as here), for the benefit of visitors in later years. When asked by one journalist if he had any regrets about what happened in the war, he replied, "Yes - that we lost !". Best regards, JR.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/modern/28237/leon-degrelle-in-spain.

During the years after the war Degrelle survived seven assassination attempts by Nazi hunters, mercenaries and even the Mossad. In 1985 Simon Wiesenthal is supposed to have put a bounty of 1 million US-Dollars on his head. Note that on the photo Degrelle is wearing the Close Combat Clasp in silver although he was awarded the gold version by September 19, 1944. By the end of the war he was credited 65 confirmed days of close combat.

Whether I agree with him or not (I don’t), I’ve got to respect someone that holds to their ideals so strongly despite all of the obvious dangers. If he earned all of those awards, he truly is a man to reckon with.