Let's kill each other

There is a lot of national and ethnic resentment about past wrongs expressed in various threads dealing with often appalling acts by one group against another, sometimes over generations.

But, given a choice between the three vote topics, which would you prefer?

I would like to vote for “Never another war”.
But i’m not so naive, unfortinatelly…
It’s foolish to think, the peoples will not kill each other in wars in future.
I just hope we and our children will have not seen the Nucler Final Holocaust.

What if everybody in the world voted for it?

Instead of the politicians and people with power driving us into war?

Why not vote here?

The KGB won’t confiscate your Lada, mate. :wink: :smiley:

I hate war,but the choice is not our hands I think,and our opinion isn’t turn the scales.
Some things are foregone conclusions
I ken a few forum,and when you not defend your opinion,the others knock,and ruin you down.
Everybody stand off his opinion,because everybody thinks he was right,but trust me if I false,and I agree the judgement.
Without feel aggrieved.

What if all the men of military age (excluding politicians and industrialists etc of military age who just start and profit from wars but don’t fight in them) in the potentially warring nations said:

‘I won’t serve or fight. Peace is more important’?

In whose hands would the choice be then?

Who then would turn the scales?

Of course peace is important,but you must defend yourself sometimes.
The big questions keys is not my lesson,I too slim for these things.(I speak in my name,because I not know exactly,what the job of these peoples,who wrote in this site)
I am a small people I think,and what would you like isn’t interest nobody,like the WW2 nobody wants to fights,but must go to war.

i dont believe in a apocalyptic end for mankind ( being a christain, i believe that christ will return to usher in his era before we all kill each other) but i do believe that war is gonna happen as long as we are here, and i just hope if my son has to fight for whatever, he doesnt conduct himself like a animal and just do his job and come home. it would be even greater if that day never came though

To get rid of war one would have to get rid of politics (not just politicians), ideology, different religions, geo-political borders, resource scarcity, famine, etc etc etc.

So we would get rid of war, but boy would it be a boring planet.

Let’s not, and say we did.

No sane person wants a war for himself or his children. But as various statements have indicated, this decision is usually in the hands of people, who don’t really have to bear the consequences.

Drake:you be right!

There will always be war since too many people benefit from it, be it with cash or glory.

Well this brings up The New World Order conspiracy theory where all the governments become one international government. Which is great but one of the cons that i read was that 80% percent of the world population has to be killed? :shock:

Well obviously no more wars but personally i feel that if people could live in peace we would have been doing it for eons.

Hahaha, that’s true, and governments pay so much to have the biggest baddest weapons possible…

This would be bad from a human perspective, but I think our little planets other inhabitants would be quite happy about that. I think 6+ billion people are in the long run far to much for the biosphere to handle without breaking down. I personally assume, one way or another, our numbers will drop in that margin. Either we do it personally or mother nature will take care of it.

I will only support a war when it is in defense of someone else attacks upon your country if your country is innocent also said.

War is always going to happen because there are a lot of mean people in this world and that is a fact.

Yea especially soon since that conflict sprouted in Georgia. I expect it to escalate.

It has escalated and Bush is at it again with his threats that human dignity needs to be respected. If Russia invades Georgia then I am sure they didn’t do it like the way Sadam did it to Kuwait. Russia had a very good reason to invade and it was not out of choice. It is bad it happened but it was not without a purpose.