Lets stop this bickering!

I don’t want to harp on, but i’ve really had enough of all this Malvinas/Falklands stuff its taking over the site. So i want to see if everyone else agrees with me, consider it a sort of petition.

Student-Scaley, (KFC, KFS, TLA, Order of the dirty Bath 1st Class, Knight Commander of the Student society for binge drinking)

That is an autoritary rule,that is like following the example of galtieri,the man that you considered a devil in your posts (im talking to every british).

of course the people who don’t feels involucrated will vote yes,but i think this is excessive and you do not have privileges to make new rules,have you?,and that of automatically banned is far opressive,i consider it as an insulting to my attempt to make public the never seen side.
also this discussion was the reason of the entering of a lot of members.
and there is a topic for the malvinas,it is like making prohibited posting about landrovers if there is a topic about it in the off topic general.

nobody is taking over the site,if you consider the “off topic” the entire site,you are wrong.

there are other places to talk about ww2,im talking about the other sections.
live with this,you cannot destroy the rights of the free expression and why making prohibited this topic?,then can i make prohibited to talk about the war on irak?.

mods,please,do something in this topic,it would be a good idea to show that you are doing your job :wink: .


Yea im getting sick of it too. Maybe we can just knock it to one thread and closely watch that one.

I voted Yes. I think its ok for the occassional remark to be outside of those topics, but any discussion back and forth should be in those specific threads.

I too am fed up with it outside its specific area.

That is an autoritary rule,that is like following the example of galtieri,the man that you considered a devil in your posts (im talking to every british).

Well firstly this is not ‘authoritarian’ as i’m expressing my democratic right of free opinion

of course the people who don’t feels involucrated will vote yes,but i think this is excessive and you do not have privileges to make new rules,have you?,

No i don’t have any privilages regarding changing/making rules hence the use of the word ‘petition’. It is simply a suggestion, something i’m allowed to do. if the mods wish to do anything about it then thats their perogative. I’m just execercising my democratic rights.

Well this ideea of “banning” some posts (generally speaking) are already applied. Remember what moderators do.

Particularly, an objective for all moderators is the maintaing the discussion within that thread. You remember those “off-topic post!” “back to the topic!”, “stick to the topic!” posts from admins, mods and eventually from other users.

What we have to do if there are 10-15 posts diverted from the thread ideea?

So far, one month ago or so, Crab_to_be has locked a topic and deleted a lot of off-topic posts. And there were complaints from Clauss and Commando for deleting so many posts.

Yesterday I decided to lock 2 topics and split them.

The splitted topics I renamed “Falkland / Malvinas thread part 20 (?)” and “Falkland / Malvinas thread part 21 (?)”. I haven’t any intention to offend anybody by writing part 20 and 21. Rather it was my protest reffering to this neverending discussion.

I don’t think that is necessary a new rule. As long as some posts will be off-topic in certain threads actions will be taken (as till now). From asking posters to edit their posts to split the thread in 2. There’s a whole range of means for action.

Well i must say cheers, it’s good to know something’s being done. Though even you must admit this whole Falklands thing has been like a plague on this site.

Not the whole Falkland thing but the so-called “Sinking of HMS Invincible” thing, if you remeber…

I went with yes. I’m as guilty as anyone of being dragged into pointless bickering (which I apologise without reservation to the Mods for), but it is getting silly how many threads are getting dragged into pointless arguments.

I voted yes because I’m tired of the constant tension between some of the british users and some of the argentian users…

Not the whole Falkland thing but the so-called “Sinking of HMS Invincible” thing, if you remeber…[/quote]
yes,the untelled truths and the most hurting realties are the most problematic too!.

those who were not banned (me and eagle).

of course!,the biggest percent are argies banned

well we can deal: malvinas things should be posted only in the malvinas topic,and in the ARGENTINIAN MILITARY TOPIC.

because that war has much to do with that topic.


if you don’t like the topic,don’t visit it,as i have seen,the argentinian military topic has 4321 visits!

Exactly! So stop bringing it up in every thread…

but i can post pics of the malvinas in the argentinian military topic too?,then im agree.

A compromise! Gadzooks! I would never have believed it! Tea and medals all round I think, mine’s an earl grey.

but i can post pics of the malvinas in the argentinian military topic too?,then im agree.[/quote]

Nothing wrong with that in my book.

Get me some Earl Grey as well.

It does get kind of bothersome when the topic of religion goes to the Falklands.

I voted Yes.

DEATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, to the Falkland and Malvina Island crap. It’s Falkin ridiculous.

Oooo I do like a bit of a bicker but only if it in it’s proper place.