Letters from Iwo Jima & Flags of our Fathers

Two movies I want to see:

Letters from Iowa Jima
Flags’ of our Fathers

Can anyone give me their opinions? :confused:


I intend to see them as well. I know both movies got glorious reviews from critics. Also, the trailers make them both seem like Saving Private Ryan, which was a movie I enjoyed very much.

Strangely I liked the one I had to read most, being the Japanese one. The Flags one was pretty predictable I thought.

Letters from Iowa Jima I’ve seen a clip of; it seems extremely well filmed and acted. Can’t wait to see them.

i never saw letters from iwo jima, i did however see flags of our fathers which i felt was not very good, also it should be noted that the film deals much more with the flag-raisers and there inner struggles than the battle itself

Both worth seeing - once - not so sure I’ll be watching them again any time soon.

Letters from Iwo Jima is great because it offers a different view. I’m just so numb to these WWII-movies where one american GI with one pistol and one bullet destroys 200 battle tanks and 200000 enemy soldiers - with just one well-placed shot.


The narrative technique in Flags is a bit weird too. The constant flashbacks and forwards make it a bit incoherent at times. I still own it though.

Letters from Iwo Jima was so depressing. I hated that scene where the marines just shot those surrendering Japanese soldiers in cold blood. I heard that it got so bad that the command was offering free shore leave to anyone who would capture a Japanese soldier ALIVE and not shoot him right away. Any truth to that?

well the scenes with the surrendering japs was probably fake since as you mentioned, surredering japanese was such a rarity it would probably be more impressive to capture one than kill one

Flags I thought was ok. Then I saw Letters, and damn, that movie blew me away and made me totally forget about Flags.

Letters is a must see for theatres, but its a bit late for that :P.

We bought them both and only had time to watch Flags of Our Fathers. For entertainment purposes I thought it was a good movie… I wouldn’t say GREAT but good. We plan to watch Letters from Iwo Jima when my husband returns home.

I did see a post on the History Channel forums that said the book Flags is based on is 100 times better than the movie, but I don’t have that one yet to read it. :slight_smile:

Just saw “Letters from Iwo Jima” last night and I was pretty impressed. A great film worthy of viewing, and I think it was actually better than “Flags of Our Fathers.”

yes i saw it too, but it was on the cable channel AMC, so it makes me wonder what was cut out

I saw Letters from Iowa Jima and to tell you the truth it almost made me cry, i reccomended it but if you dont like reading subtitles and gore (which i liked) then you dont need to watch it but still it was good

I have the DVD and checked it out the same night they broadcast it. Looks like they cut out most of the bloody scenes (like the grenade suicide scene in the cave) but overall, I liked it much better than “Flags Of Our Fathers” too.

Letters was indeed a masterpiece,. Watanabe is really great in that movie and at the last samurai (not a good movie but worth to see watanabe there)

I saw “Flags”, and I wasn’t terribly impressed by it. The movie was more concerned with how the flag raisers dealt with their fame back home than with the battle of Iwo Jima itself.,

letters was default in Japanese. but AMC is now running an english version. I thought it was really good. they were totally cut off. the empire told them no supplies. their on their own.

I own Letters. It’s a great Film I just got pissed off that they didn’t show any close ups of Americans being killed other than the beach scene and the bayoneted boy. I felt Pissed when they killed themselves. Saigo said a valuable thing it went like <“Which will serve the Emperor better? Us dead or us fighting on?” It’s worth watching, since seeing it I’ve watched other recent Japanese Film’s from the axis’s point of view.

I think it was the officer that told them to kill themselves. and many wanted no part of it. in the real battle did they find Kuribayashi’s body???