Leutnant d. R. HERBERT BERGER - German Forces | Gallery


Leutnant d. R. HERBERT BERGER (1912-2000), Knight's Cross awarded on March 12, 1944 as platoon leader in 10th Company/Grenadier-Regiment (mot.) "Feldherrnhalle".

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/29909/leutnant-d.-r.-herbert-berger

That always confused me too Schultz,they give Hugo Jaeger as the photographer and I alway wondered how they came to LIFE till I googled Hugo Jaeger.Two tips one you can find LIFE pictures using Google.Example in the search enter "Hugo Jaeger source:Life" and then go images.Second tip to get photos with out the water mark save it in the preview mode the resolution is smaller.Full size view gives you the water mark.You can search Life library "key word" source:Life

Maybe these photos are part of Hugo Jaeger’s works. LIFE owns the rights of his entire collection of brillant color photos.