Liberators or invaders?

I would like to adress this topic to Eastern European members especially, but of course it is open for others.

I know it can be very difficult to answer.
Personally, I consider Soviets as the invaders because of what they did to my countrymen, and the regime they brought on their tanks.
But I also consider them as the liberators who drove out Nazis from Poland.
Over 600.000 Red Army soldiers had fallen on polish soil…

So, were the Soviets rather a liberators or invaders of your country?
What about opinion of non-eastern europeans?


On 23rd of August 1944 King Michael placed Antonescu under arrest and proclaimed Romania’s loyalty to the Allies and declared war on Germany, but this did not avert a rapid Soviet occupation, facilitated by the King’s cease-fire order given before any armistice was reached.

The armistice was signed much later on 12th of September 12 1944, on terms the Soviets virtually dictated. Therefore, the coup amounted to a capitulation, an unconditional surrender to the Soviets. By some accounts, the coup may have shortened World War II by six months. As result, King Michael was awarded the Legion of Merit by U.S. President Harry S. Truman (Chief Commander) and Soviet Order of Victory by Stalin, as a sign of gratitude for the cease-fire order given during the coup of 23rd of August, which had rendered the Soviets masters of Romania.

To be mentioned that Romanian army joined Soviet armies in fightings in Hungary, Czechoslovakia and some zones from Austria. participating with almost a million soldiers.

Despite all these, Romania was under Soviet military ocuppation until 50s, paid a lot of money and products as war damages to Soviet Union, a part of Romania remained in Soviet hands (forming what today is the Republic of Moldova), not to be mentioned the Communist regime installed and supported by the Soviets.

A website that sometimes used th term “liberating” was this,

Is funny after several mails from disgusted readers his autor Valeri poptapov changed the subtitles in some picturers, for example “Churchill tanks liberating Vyborg” is now “Churchill tanks entering Vyborg”

I have something even more funny…
In 1969 and 1970 I had an opportunity to visit East Germany this time Deutsche Demokratische Republik or simplier - soviet occupation zone.
I spent there a month because my father was working there - his company was building potassium salt mine in Zielitz near Magdeburg.
The whole place was full of massive soviet forces.
What I noticed that everywhere, literally everywhere, were big slogans
Wir grüßen Rote Armee, die deutsche Nation befreite!

Roughly you can translate it to: We salute Red Army which liberated German nation!

This is an essence of communism and really twisted red mind.



hi, Kovalski, greetings.
I think that those my countrymens who leave own life in Poland 1944 sincerely believed in libaration of Poland. After the war it was need to come back soviet troops, but communists ideology made it unpossible.
But why , Kovalski, polish politics so easy accept communism after the war?
Why poles didn’t resist against “inviders” and why polish comunists party has so much members?
Its simple to blame SU, but how many poles and eastern europeans believed in “communists ideals”. Why each east-european country has great communists party after the ww2? Why , for example, practically all leaders of socialist countries support decision to enter soviet army in Hungary in 1956?
On my opinion, it was becouse comunism has the power in head a lot of peoples at that time. But why some nationalists in eastern europe blame all russians today? Its deadlock way,becouse our own nationalist in Russia find arguments to spoil relationships with eastern-europe countries.

For Romania, very few mate (all supported by Comintern).

Due to Red Army occupation. As for the second question, I have 2 comments: you wrote “leaders” not people. Communists leaders backed by SU. And second comment: the Red Army were already there as an occupation force:p

Most of the people in the Eastern European countries (not only “some nationalists”) blame the communism and Soviet Union and not all the Russians.
Also, many of the citizens of the Eastern Europe are concerned about the old (and new) imperial habits of the Russia.

I only hope that you aren’t upset on my remarks,

I support Dani’s point of view in full and in every point.

In Poland communists in 1944 and 1945 were tiny minority. They would never win any free elections. After electional fraud in 1946 when they took total power, communist party started to grow due to simple opportunism of some people - they wanted to eat better, have better apartments, better clothing and better schools for their kids. Such situation persisted until 1989.
Very few really believed - personally I met one… during my 28 years in Poland.

Talking with old people about “liberation” I was really surprised that most of them remembered just fear, feeling of another occupation coming and nearly every one told me how he/she was “liberated” from watch, jewellery or better looking coat or fur.
I grew up in large city - Katowice, but every vacations spend in the country side. Farmers and their elderly told me how they had to take their dunas, blankets and pillows to the forest - these items were very popular, especially in soviet tank units - perhaps armour is cold in winter. :slight_smile:

I can bet that similar stories like in Poland I would hear in Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and all Baltic states.

I don’t want to upset anyone and I admit that people in Poland remember 600thousand soviet soldiers which died fighting with nazi Germany.
But they also remember that by signing Pact with Hitler, Stalin made WWII possible. They very much remember parade in Brest Litovsk which was a display of soviet- nazi friendship.

Chevan, it is very good to have you here and talk to you.
It is important that we are friends. Friends can say everything.
Believe me no one here want conflict with Russia.
But friendship is difficult if Russian people cling to the soviet cliches and stereotypes.


Thank you , Lancer , for sympathy but, i not always understand you.
What’s “soviet cliches and stereotypes” do you see in my posts?is it may be you use the cool war category? I respect of you oppinion and your life experiense ( 50 e o - I just was born when you already served in army). But its seems to me now that you views is right-wing. And as says respected Dani, this points is most popular in eastern europe today. But i know not all peoples support that. Not long ago i read forum in where Stanislav Lem answered of different questions about modern polish situation. He amazed me. This intelligent man frankly told that he as pole dislike Russia, but he don’t understand moderd poles who assert it was just two agressors in WW2: SU and Germans. Becouse in 1938 when Chechoslovakia was divided , Poland claimed part for itself. Thus , he told, Poland was the agressor like Germany for Chechoslovakia. He also note that some polish peoples want to use pakt Molotov&Ribbentrop as cover for deplomatic incompetent own polish govement befor ww2, which lead Poland to catastrophe in 1939. Those adventurers who hoped in Britihs and France war help remain poles without real allies.
Lem touched of many interest things(if you can read russian i can find the link)In discussion after the articles everybody of russian readers expressed respect for polish writer, despite his told nothing good about russians. But he show for us real poles inside:struggle of opinions and doubts. Its sharply difference of official polish dialog, which simply lead to three words: Katyn, Molotov&Ribbentrop and occupation.
I sincerely hope that poles analyse in themself after all. But when i read

… that by signing Pact with Hitler, Stalin made WWII possible…

i undestand that dialog would be very difficult.

Hi Chevan,
unfortunately I’ve got some delays in reading this forum recently.
You asked few questions, so I’ll try to answer them.

Which polish politicians accepted communism so easily? I believe we are not talking about those who had a special ideological training is Moscow. Non-communist politicians who survived the german occupation were not treated as a real political partners by those who came with russian tanks.
Those who tried to manifest their independence were arrested very fast. Please remember that the “free” elections to polish parliament organised in 1947 were a fiction. Everything was controlled by communists who were supported by Political Police, NKVD and Red Army. So there was no possibility to oppose them.

There was an organised military resisstance against communists. I can’t recall the exact date but in 1947 polish communists almost decided to ask Stalin for military help, because they lost control almost of 20% of polish territory and they had no more military units able to cope with the rebellion. This was a real guerrilla warfare. Some of units were disarmed in 1957. 12 years after the war. So in fact there was a ressistance.
And in your opinion how many members had a polish communist party in 1945 or 1946?

Because of FEAR.
Every significant non-communist politicant was: a) murdered, b) forced to live in exile, c) blackmailed d) arrested. For example: leader of polish peasants - Stanislaw Mikolajczyk- try to read something about him.
The reason for joining the communist party was also the same: FEAR. You had a great chance of survival if you become a member of the party.

It’s obvious. They were communists. If they did not support that invasion, they would be wiped out from government. They were leaders of soviet sattelite-countries. These countries were not independent. This is how it worked. These leaders were also so blinded by the ideology that some of them really thought it is good for Hungarians to invade their country.

I’m not trying to offend you. I know that we had learnt a different versions of the same history. But I’m really sensitive to that subject matter.
I would like to discuss and compare our knowledge, without quarrel.

Hi Chevan,

  1. First about S. Lem. I always respected him, even knowing that he started to write his books during worst times of “stalinist winter”. Perhaps as a payment for right to publish, some of his writings were viciously anti-american.
    His orientation was clearly leftist this time.
    I had read his interview and agree with him.

  2. Now about me. You said that my views are “right wing”.
    And I agree. Perhaps after this admition you’ll not believe that I detest present Polish right wing government and ksenophobic President.
    I wish them all the worst and really dislike.

I agree with Lem in regards to Polish annexation of Zaolzie in 1938.
It was totally stupid move. However, today everyone remember only Polish intervention and says nothing about Hungarians which carved their piece as well.
I don’t think Poliesh government and diplomacy before 1939 had much maneuvre. I remember that my father was very much against pre-1939 clique. But let’s stay with facts. They had 3 choices:

a) Go together with Hitler. Agree with ex-territorial highway through Corridor and few years later go with him against Soviet Union.

b) Take Voroshilovs blubber as a good money and open eastern border for Red Army, which supposedly would defend Poland.

c) Do what they finally did. Get into alliance with Great Britain and France,
secure part of the southern flank by agreements with Romania and Hungary and hope for the best.

Tell me now which option would be the best for Poland from your perspective.
It is easy question because you know all the answers.
I’m awaiting your response and comment accordingly.

My saying, which so surprised you, “…that by signing Pact with Hitler Stalin made WWII possible”, is not my flimsy opinion but fact proven by many respected historians.
You may ask for example Dani, which will tell you how western oriented, friendly towards France and England, Romanian government had to change front and go with Hitler. Same Hungarians, same Bulgarians, despite close ties of Bulgars with tsarist Russia and very pro-Russian sentiments among population…
Try also to ask Latvians, Lithuanians and Estonians. And of course don’t forget about Finland.
All mentioned countries observed fate of Poland, they knew that they will be next. Pribaltika could not resist - they were swallowed easily. Finns choose to resist and fought heroically - they survived giving away large chunks of their territory.
All these events were results of “politics of peace loving Stalin and peaceful USSR”.

How you see these facts? What is your opinion?

To make things clear: I strongly oppose some idiots in Poland which dream about return of pre-39 eastern Polish territories. Plain idiocy!
I also think that Poland was very fortunate not having these lands in 1989 -
if so, no later than in 1990 we would have similar situation like in Kosovo.

That much about my “right wing orientation”. To add just a bit more - as a Pole and I think quite patriotic Pole living abroad in Australia, I’m not religious.
I see circuses with past and present Popes as a miserable sliding into Middle Ages.
I detest any racial discrimination. I hate “wild capitalism” and suffering of some part of various societies. I also hate nazis and neo-nazis, because National Socialism is still Socialism as in soviet mode and then must be eradicated.

I told you a lot about myself - now your turn.



I don’t know where emoticons, smiles are now and my post my look a bit too serious… Take it easy!
I also don’t know how to highlight on this new looking forum…


Dear Kovalski , i am not offend to you. Becouse as you write “…we had learnt a different versions of the same history”. I have the emotions too.You as many poles wish to knock responsibility for polish history to external enemy: Germany or Soviet (Russian) empire. Its comfortable way but irresponsible.
. That’s what i found about polish ww2 diplomacy
. Its articles for inner russians readers. In two words, author (U. Muhin - popular historical writer)convincingly demonstrate that ww2 began becouse Poland didn’t wish to sign of mutual war assistance of USSR . I uderstand that it could be just emotional version and try to analise the facts to be objectively. Bun when i hear from some sensitive poles “…signing Pact with Hitler, Stalin made WWII possible” its become wery diffical for me don’t let emition loose.

Do you know, dear friend, that population of Poland increased after the ww2 over 14 millions (its seems in 1990 it was 38 millions total) So, tell me please what’s “horrible FEAR” forced poles multiply so much ( over 35 persent at all).For example, the population most of the west-europe countries changed insignificantly.
May be it was new kind of poles who fast-breed in captivity? Or sadist-comunists compeled poles to do it? Or it were soviet soldiers? What’s your oppinion? Today i know Poland has demographic problem ( as incidentally all east europe and Russua too)
During 1950-1980 Poland became one of the most industrial eastern-europe country(befor 1939 it was agricultural). It were bild hundreds works. Economic increased in middle 5-7% per year for the long time. Of couse, it had a problems of plans economic, but social guarantees for the peoples were strong. I don’t defend the socialism, but i know the true , becouse i lived in SU 14 years and i can compare some things.

Let me to tell you one story. When i was at soviet school, my frien’s father ,Sergei ,worked engineer in rail factory.He was respected man and experienced specialist. He never was the member of ComParty,he dislike the communist becouse one of his grandfather died in GULAG. He had the junior brother Pavel - the member of CP but simple worker. Pavel told him: “forget about grandfather, join to the party and you could become the director of factory in future. Its could help both us to make a careers”. But he didn’t listen Pavel, he was a principle man. The director of factory also tried influence to him “Where’s your conscience? You are too important man in our collective , you mast be the communist”. Sergei ansvered simple “I have not much time to visite members meting”. Director(comunist) had some problems in administration of sity from Sergey’s “opportunism” but can did nothing, becouse trade union forbided discrimination of wokers. Sergei was exelent specialist and one time he with family even went to Bulgaria (in 1983) as the best worker. Soon he bacame the head of department(in 1984). After that my father got promotion and my family leaved this sity. In 1996 i meet my old schoolfriend and he told me that his father (Sergei) became the director of factory in 1986.
And he never entered to the party. His brother-comunist was still woker.
So, what’s the morals? I think your arguments not against communism- its arguments against colloborationists(opportynists).
Those ugly-moral peoples who entered the ComParty to “live better but stay opportunists” have no justification.

Chevan, I think some misunderstanding took place, possibly because of mine or yours english :slight_smile:
You asked:
why polish comunists party has so much members?

My answer should be:
Because of FEAR.
Every significant non-communist politician was: a) murdered, b) forced to live in exile, c) blackmailed d) arrested. For example: leader of polish peasants - Stanislaw Mikolajczyk- try to read something about him.
The reason of joining the communist party for ordinary citizens was also the same: FEAR. You had a great chance of survival if you become a member of the party.
Isn’t it obvious for you?

Your question was:
Why each east-european country has great communists party after the ww2?

Could you explain the meaning of “great”?

And one more thing.

What does it mean for you?

No . You wrote “…chance of survival…” its imply the mass terror. But mass terror was inpossible becouse the populathion of socialists Poland increased wery quickly. Thus, the FEAR was wrong reason.
Besides ,i said nothing compeled to enter the ComParty in USSR and i never could believe thah in Poland it was another situation. Although some amoral mans used party in own ego purposes.

Could you explain the meaning of “great”?

its mean much members.

Ok, maybe I should explain what I understand by the term of " chance of survival". In narrow meaning it’s simply a chance to avoid death, but in wide meaning - it’s a possiblity of living long life in conditions diferrent from expirienced during the war, etc.

What sociological theory do you lean on?
It is normal reaction of human society after disaster (war) to reproduce in large numbers. The bigger disaster was, the larger numbers will be.
The increase of polish population doesn’t prove that there was no terror. Killing people is a final method of gaining obidience. Fear can by easily caused by many other less bloody acts. And there were plenty of such acts in Poland. You never knew if your relatives would come back home from work, etc. Of course, the worst terror lasted till 1956. But later it turned out that the situation had changed slightly.
I agree, that in many cases joining the communist party was nothing more than act of opportunism. People like these live everywhere.
I also admit, that for many people (especially few years after the war) joining the communist party was something good, because the party did right things in their opinion. The communist had built up the whole country - that’s true.
But they had built it up only with chosen groups of the society - miners, workers, peasants - these were the ones who joined the party voluntarily. The whole rest had to make a difficult choice - join or stay outside the “right” part of population.

So now we know you suggested that polish communist party (let’s call it PZPR- it’s a polish abbreviation) had so many members.
The top number of members was 3,5 milion in the end of 70’s.
The top number of members of polish “Solidarity” in 1981 was over 10 milions and I ensure you - all of them were voltuneers.
In 1980 Poland had 35 milions of citizens.
So was the PZPR so giant organization?

P.S. Chevan, I’m afraid we’re missing the point of the thread. :slight_smile:

What’s sexy girl you find. You change the imidge.
I don’t know how to highlight and make smilics on this new forum too.
well lets begin.

… They had 3 choices:

a) Go together with Hitler. Agree with ex-territorial highway through Corridor and few years later go with him against Soviet Union.

b) Take Voroshilovs blubber as a good money and open eastern border for Red Army, which supposedly would defend Poland.

c) Do what they finally did. Get into alliance with Great Britain and France,
secure part of the southern flank by agreements with Romania and Hungary and hope for the best.

a) No. Hitler hated the poles. Becouse on his oppinion they were invaders (Gdansk) and “lowest rase”. Although polish government tried to be the friend with Hitler (non-agression Pack of 1934 for 10 years) it was dead way. And when Ribbentrop offered to polish embassador (24 oct 1938) germans demands its had no illusion about next german agressions to Poland.
b)No. Do you mean soviet suggestion of war help from 25 may 1939. It was too late, too late.
c)Do what they finally did … ang get what they finally got.
No. Britain and espesially France didn’t wish the new great war in Europe , but if in spite of all the war was possible, they wish to turn German agression to the East(through Poland to the USSR) . That’s why i think Britain signed with Poland the agreement of war guarantees. Britains hoped it stop the Hitler to begin the war, but when it did he did nothing for poles.

d)I think it was just one chance Poland had. Poles must showed initiative and not later spring of 1939 (immediately after the british-poles agreement) offer to Stalin to sign polish-soviet agreement of war guarantees(not entering to the USSR). Thus, even if Hitler ignored Britain and France threat (he was absolutly right), he cann’t ignore the Red Army - the most antifasist power in the world. Can Hitler began the war in that case. May be yes, but not from Poland.
So ,dear Lanсer, polish government had the real possibility to save country from nazi genocid and (if fate would be lucky) from communism . But why ,tell me please, why they were so idiots?

What do you mean “invaders” (Gdansk)???

Nothing to do with hate. There is no feelings in politics. Poland easily could join Tripartite Pact. Romanians, Bulgarians and Croatians were also “lower races” and allies of nazi Germany. Poland would probably loose any rights to Danzig. Areas around Silesia and Poznan would be subject of another plebiscite. In return Poland would retain independence; well limited, but independence anyway. Hitler would get up to 1.5 million more soldiers and war would start several hundred kilometers further to the East.
As a result Poland would avoid:
a) Devastating war with Germany.
b) German occupation and massacre of 5 million people. (Officially 6 million - 5 from German and 1 from soviet hands). Most probably Polish Jews would survive too - look at Romanian Jews.
c) First soviet occupation of Eastern part of Poland and deportations to Siberia resulting in death or permanent sovietization of several hundred thousand Poles.
d) Katyn massacre which severely thinned Polish elites capable of ruling the country.
e) Destruction of capital - Warsaw.
f) Most probably even second soviet occupation of Poland would not eventuate.
g) destruction of 60% of buildings, 70% of industry - polish industry would gain German know-how and German co-operation - like Czechs for example.
This was real mistake of stupid Polish government.
I agree with you - they were stupid. Instead of pragmatic thinking, they stick to the ideals of democracy, humanity and honour. Big mistake.
Look at Germany and Finland - first enemies of USSR. They much better off than Poland and they lost WWII…
Poland, (at least in communist propaganda), won the war as friend of the USSR. What a joke! Poland was and is the greates looser - Stalin took his revange for humiliation of the 1921 war.
I’m absolutely sure that the best choice for Poland in 1939 was to stick to Hitler and go on Moscow with him. Bugger friendships with leaders like Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin.

Too late because Stalin already started preparations for war in which he hoped to conquer whole Europe? This is what you mean? Suvorov said that…
Voroshilovs suggestions to open Polish borders and let Red Army in, equalled to capitulation and instant soviet occupation. Much worse than German.
German occupation resulted in death of many citizens. Soviets killed much less people, (all together around 800,000), but soviet occupation resulted in death of moral principles of the nation. Death of soul. It is visible even today. Soviet occupation created false, corrupted elites still having much to say in todays Poland. Crime, corruption and mafia created by KGB - the only “benefits” of soviet model socialism.

British guarantees and pact with France were useless only in case of open invasion of USSR.
When soviet army invaded Poland, 17 of September 1939, Polish front was close from being established in the southern part of the country - creation of so called “Romanian bridgehead” supported by Brits and France through Romanian port in Constanza was quite real. Germans were exhausted after first few weeks of war. Luftwaffe used almost 80% of bombs, tanks required repairs and Wehrmach run out of fuel.
Poland had no chance to win war with Germany alone but had a chance to survive partly occupayed.
Soviet invasion crushed all hopes.

Well, why Finns were idiots too? Both countries remembered well red terror after 1917. Better dead than red.
For you Chevan “soviet” and “socialism” mean some sort of different political system - regardless of opinion, better or worse, but system in which people lived their lives.
For me, Kovalski and majority of Poles, soviet socialism meant system based on monstrous lies. Lies repeated every day. This is how I remember it.
Switch on TV and listen to news in which only two words were true - “Today is…”. The rest were lies.
It is hard to understand for you how stupid was soviet propaganda applied to any central and eastern european countries.
How humiliating for Poles was nomination of Marshall Rokossovski as Supreme Commander of the Polish Army. How stupid were fairy tales about his Polish background. How painful were deportation of members of the Home Army to Siberia. And leaders of Resistance on trial after long interrogations in Lubianka. On trial in Moscow…

I’m looking at what you wrote to Kovalski…
I tell you one story. From early sixties, since my parents bought first television unit, black and white of course, this tv was repaired by one technician. One phone and he was coming. In mid seventies I heard what he told my father. He said:
“- I work as tv technician since 1958. Every day I visit 3 to 5 families and fixing their tv I often talk with them. Year after year, six days a week.
And during all this years I never met even one man or woman which would be happy with socialism, communist party and system in the country.”

This bloke become later in 1977 one of the first oppositionists.

This post is becoming too long.
Answer first and I will give you more answers.



I see most people here consider Soviet Army as invaders… very well. It seems russians should’ve stayed on the former polish border and let Germans continue their henocide some more time until Allies, which begged Red Army regularily to hasten the assault, liberate the Poland. That way no one could blame us for invasion - no invasion, and much, much less alive people to complain about this ‘invasion’. More importantly, we would’ve saved hundreds of thousands of our own people. What the fools our commanders were!
Or maybe they just weren’t so insightful as you are and couldn’t imagine that 60 years later POLES whould blame THEM.
Try telling about big bad Russians to people which were freed from places like Auschwitz if you have the nerve. There are some still alive. Let them know your insightful opinion.

I just can’t believe this. You think poles had ANY chance against Germany in that time?
THERE WAS NO ANY PLANNED OPERATION BY ALLIES. Don’t you know what France were doing while poles were slaughtered? Nothing. German reserve forces had orders DO NOT ENGAGE french troops and FALL BACK, because there was no hope of stopping french advance. They could only buy time. Yet France did nothing.
GB had only 3 ready divisions in England in that time. Do you really think they would have sent even 1 soldier to die in a suicidal attempt to create bridgehead in any place held by Germany?
Romanian bridgehead?!!! Romania, which king already sympathized Germany?
Do you really think Hitler invaded without thought about every possibility?
I am well aware of polish forces which remained when USSR made its turn. Holding Wermacht with them was tactically impossible, as it was tactically impossible for german troops on french border to hold French army should it decided to do anything.
You can tell me to shut up, of course, but history isn’t flexible thing. It is not the fairytale about poles holding the germans at bay without USSR intervention. Defeat of Poland was started by it’s politicians, which were playing with fire.

Read history comrade:D :

Or should I quote from that link?:wink:

On April 13, 1939, France and Britain pledged to ensure the independence of Romania, but negotiations on a similar Soviet guarantee collapsed when Romania refused to allow the Red Army to cross its frontiers. On August 23, 1939, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed a nonaggression pact containing a secret protocol giving the Soviet Union the Balkans as its sphere of influence. Freed of any Soviet threat, Germany invaded Poland on September 1 and ignited World War II. The Nazi-Soviet pact and Germany’s three-week blitzkrieg against Poland panicked Romania, which granted refuge to members of Poland’s fleeing government. Romania’s premier, Armand Calinescu, proclaimed neutrality, but Iron Guards assassinated him on September 21. King Carol tried to maintain neutrality for several months more, but France’s surrender and Britain’s retreat from Europe rendered meaningless their assurances to Romania, and therefore Carol needed to strike a deal with Hitler. Romania suffered three radical dismemberments in the first year of the war that tore away some 100,000 square kilometers of territory and 4 million people. On June 26, 1940, the Soviet Union gave Romania a twenty-four-hour ultimatum to return Bessarabia and cede northern Bukovina, which had never been a part of Russia; after Germany’s ambassador in Bucharest advised Carol to submit, the king had no other option.

My bold. Quoted from

What the heck was that ultimatum?? Liberation perhaps :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Bessarabia or Bessarabiya (Basarabia in Romanian, Besarabya in Turkish) was the name by which the Imperial Russia designated the eastern part of the principality of Moldavia ceded by the Ottoman Empire to Russia in the aftermath of the Russo-Turkish War, 1806-1812. The remaining Moldavia united with Wallachia in 1859 in what would become the Kingdom of Romania. In 1918, Bessarabia declared its independence from Russia and at the end of World War I, it united with the Kingdom of Romania. USSR annexed Bessarabia in the beginning of World War II (see Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact) and again at the end of World War II, and reorganised it as Moldavian SSR, by adding the Moldavian ASSR and transferring its southern and northern parts to Ukrainian SSR. In 1991 the Moldavian SSR declared independence from USSR as Republic of Moldova.
(Quotation from wiki, of course)