Lithuanian army oficers - Other Forces | Gallery

Lithuanian army oficers

Oficers of Lithuanian infantry cut the gates in the Lithuanian- Polish border, opening road to Vilnius. 1939

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

In Spring 1938,the Lithuanian border guards killed a Polish KOP quard on his duty without any reason.A boy died at once.This fact made that the whole Polish society was in shock and terrified.One newspaper wrote:
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“A bad Lithuanian bullet hit our quard on his duty”
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The Poles wanted their government to take steps.Many people gathered during the KOP soldier’s funeral to say goodbye to that killed boy.It turned out to be a big anti-Lithuanian demonstration.Then,the newspapers in the whole Poland wrote:
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“Our Supreme Commander!!!Guide us to Kaunas!!!”
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The Polish government was under a big pressure and also had its own plan towards the Lithuania.The Poles,gathered their army on Polish-Lithuanian border.The Polish Army was ready to invade Lithuania and create there its own pro-Polish government.
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All what I wrote here,is written in honor of that Polish KOP soldier who was killed in March 1938 year.All what I wrote here is true.Best regards.My neutral intentions.No pun intended.

I hope that in Poland there is a big monument for this soldier (I can not find his name), because in Lithuania there is a monument for Jurgis Kybartas (1898 – 1931), Lithuanian border Policemen, shot by KOP soldiers 1931 October 4, when fixing the marker of demarcation line, whih was previusly removed by KOP soldoiers. Also no pun intended.