Lithuanian heavy MG team - Other Forces | Gallery

Lithuanian heavy MG team

Photo of lithuanian heavy MG team in the field. The gun is fitted vith all acesories, inclugind persicopic sight and the condensation box. Nice foto for colorizing.

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…yeah,I was following many Lithuanian photos…and for me this one is the best.
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…good for colorizing…but It seems to me that,people who are good at it,prefer colorizing German,Soviet and Japanese photos…I wish some my Polish photos were colorized…but Rytis,smaller armies like mine and yours have no chance.Oh!!!Why!!! : (

Maxim MG on a sledge mount.

Y knov some rather nice photo of colorized lithuanian soldiers it is on the front page of this vebsite

Peoples dont colorize photos of smaler armies, because is hard to find color photos as references, for example I never sav original color photo of lithuanian intervar soldiers,