Loading the 'Schiessbecher' - German Forces | Gallery

Loading the 'Schiessbecher'

Nice close-up of the Gewehrgranatgerät being loaded by a german soldier. There were several different kinds of grenades for this weapon but the most interesting one is -in my opinion- the 'Gewehrpropagandagranate'. It distributed up to 40 propaganda flyers over enemy lines.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/19134/loading-the-'schiessbecher'

To be honest, I first discovered that weapon while playing Day of Defeat: Source – I know it’s just a game but you can get an insight into the different weapons anyway :slight_smile:

“Schiessbecher” literally translated means “shooting beaker”, but if you you’re forced to write the word, be careful: “Scheissbecher” would mean “sh*t beaker”.