Locking Discussions for no apparent reason?

Guys, and Panzer in particular. Please dont lock discussions for no apparent reason, it makes us look silly.

I have unlocked the discussion about our forum dying as I could see no reason to lock it, nothing offensive was said etc.

Nothing drives guys away more than Mods who appear draconian. After all we are here to encourage and direct conversations and not stop them.


Firefly - near the beach!

The theme was already discussed in severals topic , if I seem “draconian” to somebody well…my charge as moderator in your hands.

Well here is classic instance of what the War Room is for. I trust all mods to make the best judgement they can a preticular time. Sometimes we make mistakes…including myself. So please feel free to debate things in here. Sorry if im not up to date on things … like I said I just got back…so a bit in the dark on things.

Just for the record…I dont consider that locking the topic was a mistake.

Sorry…I know it reads that way but I didnt mean to imply that you did.

Mate, I think you did what you thought was right at the time. All I’m saying is that maybe at least you should have given a reason for locking it.

I dont see anything wrong with guys talking about how dead the forum is.

The forum dead is crap, and is a repetition of a topic of Twitch1.

Some reasons.

Repetitive topic.

Boring topic.

False statemens topic ( because the forum is alive as you may noted)

A little offensive, at list for me because I dedicate at list 2 hours a day on this an then anybody can come and tell me that is dead.





I think is enough, as I said before if you think that my work as moderator is not the quality that the administration was looking for…fine…the Admins/Mods can take away my prerrogatives but in the meanwhile is not very ethic that we act is disregard of the Mods desitions like you do with the mine.

Hold on your horses, my friend!:wink:
As you probably remember, I was on the verge of quitting moderating due to lack of reaction from the moderating staff on awards issue.

I gave then 24 hours deadline for answers. I now realised that in way it was a blackmail. Fortunatelly GS has made once again his day and coolled me down.

So, it’s normal to discuss here our problems and our points of view. Everybody in our room is entitled to have his own opinion. But remember that outside in the wild we have to act like a team. In this particular issue I am 50% supporting you and 50% supporting Firefly. That’s why I abstained to make any comment so far.

Out in the wild actually Firefly acted correctly because you didn’t stated topic closed. Your little mistake was to reply there (denying acting like a team after reopening by Firefly). But come on! Everybody makes mistakes!!:smiley: I made much much bigger mistakes than yours.

Frankly speaking I am amazed of FW than of you as a mod. That’s why I ask him to post either here or in the wild!

I had this year my bad period when I posted maybe once a week, but come on!!! I noticed that since FW was not more Admin like GS and I was in a way promoted from chief mod to super mod (meaning only extra ban powers) he was quite pissed off and he quit posts.

Panzerknacker, you already read my discussions with Firefly prior to your mod status. I was against appointing you as a mod so quickly!

Now I declare that I need you in our team.! You proved to be not only a good moderator but a outstanding contributor.

But remember that outside in the wild we have to act like a team. In this particular issue I am 50% supporting you and 50% supporting Firefly.

Right, I recognize my mistake but…

But remember that outside in the wild we have to act like a team.

In my opinion Firefly did not.

Panzerknacker, you already read my discussions with Firefly prior to your mod status. I was against appointing you as a mod so quickly!

Honestly It really does not matter, no hard feelings.

Now I declare that I need you in our team.! You proved to be not only a good moderator but a outstanding contributor

Okay, but this little misundertandings kind of tired me off.

Anyway,we have a new record:

Most users ever online was 48, Today

Uhummm…wasnt so dead after all.
