London bombings

Seems that we have our terrorist problem back, images on Sky news of tunnel tents popping up round London, casevac on the underground. Seems we are put back a few paces with our war on terror, no news agencies are mentioning warnings or alerts prior to the events.

A sad day.

I’m here on the edge of it! I’ve shut the doors and windows as a precaution.

A series of almost simultaneous explosions points to Al Qaeda or someone wanting people to think of Al Qaeda. Small bombs point to either a campaign aimed at disruption rather than death, or a way of distributing NBC materials into the atmosphere.

So, is it a band of anarchist wankers curing poverty by injuring commuters or is it something much much worse? I’ve seen only Police / Fire / Ambulance so far, but I won’t be surprised to see camouflage soon. After all, most of the police are up in Scotland.

More from this callsign as I hear it.

If it was G8 related you think that it would be nearer Scotland - unless they are avoiding injuring tree huggers. and why do it When the PM is out of town, the fact he cant come back to London is going to smack of cowardice for many.

Quoted from CNN:
Scotland Yard reported multiple explosions across the city and are responding to reports at the Edgware Road, Kings Cross, Liverpool Street, Russell Square, Aldgate East and Moorgate subway stations. The cause of the blasts was not immediately known.
:frowning: :shock: :shock:

It could be G8 related in that half of the Met police are up in Scotland…


Sky news



Blair is comming back to England to brief Security forces. And a Jihad Cell of Al Qaeda has clamed responsiblitity for the horrendious attacks. Those fucking bastards :evil:

Quote from AP:
What is believed to be the roof of the double-decker bus can be seen centre right.

Sad, very sad.

Bad news. Exact details are still unclear. Reports of up to seven train attacks and three bus bombings have come down to maybe only four in total.

I just heard that my Sister-in-Law just missed being involved in the Liverpool Street incident. She was had an interview this morning and it went so well that she stopped there for a few minutes chatting to the people there. When she got to the station she was heading down the escalators as the bomb went off and people were coming the other way.

A few minutes before and she would have been involved!

Fucking hell that was close!!


BBC - Central London blasts

Good Lord!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Fox news - Downtown London

A sad day for all.
Do you have any info on casualties yet?

BBC are still quoting only two confirmed dead but I’m informed that US news are reporting as many as 40 dead.
It looks as if we may have come away fairly lightly.


CAIRO, Egypt (AP) – A group calling itself “The Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europe” posted a claim of responsibility for Thursday’s blasts in London, saying they were in retaliation for Britain’s involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The authenticity of the message could not be immediately confirmed.

The statement, which also threatened attacks in Italy and Denmark, was published on a Web site popular with Islamic militants, according to Elaph, a secular Arabic-language news Web site, and Der Spiegel magazine in Berlin, which published the text on their Web sites.

“Rejoice, Islamic nation. Rejoice, Arab world. The time has come for vengeance against the Zionist crusader government of Britain in response to the massacres Britain committed in Iraq and Afghanistan,” said the statement, translated by The Associated Press in Cairo. The AP was unable to access the Web site where it was posted, which was closed quickly after the reports.

Der Spiegel:,1518,364121,00.html

Text published on their site.

BBC are still quoting only two confirmed dead but I’m informed that US news are reporting as many as 40 dead.
It looks as if we may have come away fairly lightly.[/quote]

Quote from CNN:
U.S. law enforcement sources said the British government has said at least 40 people are dead.

I suspect it is probably G8 related, whilst its not physically near to the summit, London is the biggest “centre of Gravity” for Politics, Finance etc. nearby. It is also the capital of the host nation, so any attack there will disrupt the meeting.

Blair has taken off to come down to London ('cos that’ll help lots. :roll: ) and I gather that the other G8 leaders are perhaps leaving? :?: