looking for a generic field equipmet photo

im looking for a photo of a soldats basic field gear…perhaps stacked up in front of him for an inspection…thanks for your help


Soldat… as in German infantry?

yes, thanks

I found a great recreationist site that shows some pictures of field gear in use. Here’s the link:http://www.352inf.com Just take a look at Field Gear link.
Haven’t found any period pictures yet.

Oops, I should have said Gallery Link. Then click on Roberts April 2007 Pictures.

thanks, i came across that last night…ahh, the search continues


Something like this? (I still try to find a better one, this is Waffen-SS but there shouldn’t be much of a difference):

Some sketches showing the correct arrangement:

early war

late war:

Wow, very nice, where’d you find those may I ask?

those are some cool sketchs, i think i will use them…danke


Those are very good sketches…very good to have.