Looking for information about my grandfather


I am looking for any information about my grandfather who in buried in Epinal American Cemetary, SGT August A. Albert. I have done some research and the next step would be to go to military archives for a fee. If anyone can steer me in a direction of any kind I would be grateful.

His date of death is listed as Armistice Day (November 11, 1944) and he was a member of the 320th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry ‘Santa Fe’ Division. At the time of his death, his division was in combat through Bois d’Amélécourt into the Forêt de Château-Salins. This information is based purely on dates. I do not have the name of his company or commander. I know he was awarded the Purple Heart which my father had until a house fire consumed it in 1966. That is about all I have, anything that could be passed my way has my deepest gratitude.

Best regards,

Robert D. Albert

Mr. Albert,

Your grandfather would have had a record in the old US War Department. That record would have been transferred to the new US Department of Defense which replaced the old Navy and War Departments sometime after World War II. The Department of Veterans Affairs has a link to burial locations and burial plots through one of their links. I believe that US military cemeteries overseas are included. My paternal and maternal grandfathers were also veterans of World War I. I hope this helps and I hope your search is successful.