Looking for information or history of this photo

I am looking for information related to a photograph of my father in a class at the old Fairfield-Suisun A.A.B. (now the base is Travis). My father entered the Army in 1937 in Pittsburg, PA. I can show that he was at Fort George Meadd, MD and also at Ft. Benning GA. During this time he was in the 66th Inf. (meadd) and also in H Company 68th Armored Regt. ¶. What is left of his military records show that he re-entered the Army on 11/26/41 and was discharged on 11/7/45. This is where I need your help. Where he re-entered the Army, I do not know. I do know that in 9/43 my parents were married at Camp Luna, Las Vegas New Mexico and the announcement states that he was a Sergent in the 1136th squadron. The next thing I see is a class photo (copy attached) from Fairfield-Suisun A.A.B. May 1944 and it states Basic Traning Class 44-B on the photo. It is not a “Basic Traning Class” of new recruites but of Sergents. Some of the names that he has written on the back are: Geroge S. Deacon, Sgt. Warren Kimble, Robert A. Buffington, Capt, S. Sgt. Jack M. Kenneman, S. Sgt. Morris Dubois. When his first son was born the Western Union Telegram was sent from New Mexico to Sgt. Wilbert C. Young 6941482, Military BZMS Sections G Station 10 Fairfield AAB. I have contacted the “base historian” at Travis he did not have much luck finding out anything about this photo or the class. My mother has many old tiny photos of men, including my father with fire trucks and photo of what appear to be aircraft on fire that I am guessing are training fires for the firefighters. He may have mentioned when I was very young something about being a firefighter. When he retired from the military, moved to Sacramento, at some point he became a Civil Service Employee working at McClellan AFB in Sacramento and did aircraft salvage, dismantling aircraft.

I would appreciate any information or suggestions you might have.

Thank you