looking for some pictures...

im just looking for some pics of BAR’s in action. ive found very few pics of the soldiers carrying the BAR, and nvery few of a soldier in a battle ready position with it. anyone have any theyd like to share?


Also I have some pics with BAR in action (mostly provided by USMC) but I have to found them in my bloody mess named my PC :frowning:
As soon as I 'll find I’ll post them for sure. Have a little patience :oops:, please!

Erwin, second pic shows some firings somewhere in Japan?

yes,i think,because of the letter.

thnx :slight_smile:

my fellow romanian friend if u ever find thme plz do share hem :stuck_out_tongue:

deducing for your avatar,are you romanian,cal? :slight_smile:

yes i am. born in romania, lived there till i was 6 and since then ive been in canada.

but i have a soft spot for romania :frowning:

:smiley: ,i see the a meeting of two compatriots,my friends.

cal,dani put some pics of romania,they´re great,see them in:

ill check that out. im going there this summer. should be fun

yes,i think,because of the letter.[/quote]

Or China, hard to make out the differance

yes,i think,because of the letter.[/quote]

Or China, hard to make out the differance[/quote]

For sure it’s Japan! (We could ask Firenze!)

Anyway here I go:

Also Okinawa:

Germany, February 1945

Somewhere in Pacific (?)

1st, 2nd and 4th - credits to USMC;
3rd - unknown reference :frowning:

www.ohioordnanceworks.com/ articles/14.htm

I found some others but they were already posted. 8)

nice thnx everyone :smiley:

Rather cheery fellow leaning against the wall with his B.A.R.

dangit, the pic didnt work. :evil:

put the link of the pic,and i will fix it

it appears that the link isnt the prob. when i revisited the site, the picture was all messed up :? but anyway heres the url: http://www.jodavidsmeyer.com/combat/military/weapons-BAR.html


Oh, ok thank you Erwin. :smiley:

:smiley: ,you only should save the pic in your hd,upload it on an imageshost (ex:imageshack.us) and then put the link between .