Loot - German Forces | Gallery


Oberleutnant (1st Lt.) Holz, adjutant of Panzergrenadier-Regiment 29 (3rd Panzergrenadier-Division), with looted Canadian rations and gear. Aprilia/Italy, April 1944.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-forces/34499/loot

Canadians would have shot him for taking the Helmet… not the food !

Good pic of bizarre situation, a german with canadian stock!

Whatever about the Canadian canned meat and (?) beans, or whatever, I would have separated myself from that helmet before going too far … I understand that in the Med. theatre at any rate, both sides affected to think little of their own canned meat rations, but regarded captured stocks of the other side’s equivalent as rare treats and delicacies. Nowt’ so queer as folks - soldiers in particular! Best regards, JR.