Lord of the flies

so umm basically this is totally not world war II and i know that but uh who has read lord of the flies cause i just got assigned an essay on it and i have 24 hours to read the book and write a decent essay 8 of which i can actually work

Who would assign such a thing with only 24 hrs. to work on it?
I read it in Highschool, but that was too long ago to be any help.
Good luck!

darn it oh well thanks anyways

Try renting the DVD.

It’s a good sociological tool. Development of group psycholgy: forming, storming etc.

Or, for a really radical approach, read the book.

ha ha the book, wow that seems like it would actually take an effort, oh well, guess im not going to get it in ontime oh wait YAY FOR SPARK NOTES! ha ha thanks guys

and the movie and the book are really different so that wouldn’t work

True, but if you do get to see the film forget the 1990 version. The 1963 version is much better, and a lot more faithful to the book (even though there is still a lot left out).

And if you get to read the read the book at sometime (for leisure) it’s well worth it - I haven’t read it for a few years (and so can’t help with details) but as stated above, it’s a great socio-psychological analysis of the meaning of society, authority, peer pressure and most importantly, what would happen to society after a nuclear war (don’t forget it was written during the early years of Cold War, and the film came out after just the Cuban crisis).

So, basically, you want others to do the work for you…isn’t that cheating yourself of an education, or do you just consider that to be ‘cool’???

i think Kirsten is just desparate, we have all been there done and that

not at all i think it’s lame that i have five essays due this week and star testing so it’s lame and i dont have enough time for everything with my soccer thrown in there + im sick so i dont think it’s cool but i think it’s what i need to do to stay afloat

The Ayes have it!..I stand corrected!

RS, you wild man, you. Slave driver.