LOST BROTHERS - Missing Journalists from the Vietnam War

On March 18th, 1970, Prince Norodom Sihanouk was deposed as Head of State for Cambodia, and replaced by Prime Minister, Lon Nol. This event set in motion a downward spiral for the well-being of Cambodia, and also propelled combat photo journalists, covering the Vietnam War, in to circumstances that would eventually lead to their disappearances.

Sean Flynn, Dana Stone, Gilles Caron, Taizo Ichinose, Guy Hannoteaux, Alan Hirons, Terry Reynolds.

These are just a few of the journalists who found themselves in Cambodia during the weeks after Sihanouk’s deposition, and eventually went off on assignments where they were captured by NVA, VC, and/or Khmer Rouge rebels. Some were trying to cover the fighting that was happening between the newly-structured Cambodian military regime and the invading communist forces, others were simply looking for an interesting story. As a whole, their accounts have never been told. Combat photographer, Tim Page, wants to change this.

Page, being a renowned photo journalist from the Vietnam War himself, has teamed up with Mythic Films, Inc., a production company based out of California. They both have just launched a Kickstarter/fundraising campaign online to finance a feature-length documentary that will take Tim back to Cambodia to search for these missing journalists (14 total), as well as civilians whose stories have not been as well documented.

Please take a look at our project on Kickstarter.com. When at the site, enter ‘Lost Brothers’ in the search engine, and you will get a clearer idea of what we are trying to accomplish.

This story needs to be told. We completely understand if contributions cannot be given, but we would gratefully appreciate any and all persons to spread the word about LOST BROTHERS.

-Mythic Films, Inc.

"April this year it will be 41 years since journalists & photographers started disappearing in Cambodia. When I started my search in 1989 it was clear that the country and its people were still traumatized by the previous 19 years of war, Pol Pot & Vietnamese occupation and a landscape littered with mines & UXO’s.

The interviews I did then were both revealing and misleading. With the opening up of the ECCC trials has come an openness to talk and tell the truth without fear of retribution and the passing of so much time without any information about our lost brothers brings with it a sense of urgency to get those last living memories from the people who saw, helped or maybe even fed foreigners who passed through their villages.

This is a search for memories not remains, we will leave that to JPAC."

-Tim Page