Luftwaffe pilot Mathias Zerwas - German Forces | Gallery

Luftwaffe pilot Mathias Zerwas

Undated photo - probably the later part of the war - of Mathias Zerwas with his plane. He was shot down and perished over or around Budapest, Hungary. He is buried in the German military portion of Uj Koztemeto (New Public cemetery) at the outskirts of Budapest, along with approx. 6000 of his fellow soldiers. May he R.I.P.

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From the 2-blade propeller and broad radiator, this can be identified as an early Messerschmitt Bf 109, probably a D variant, the major type in service in August 1939. Rapidly replaced by the E variant in September, this type would have been passed to training units but it is doubtful that any were left flying late in the war. Note the crank handle for engine-starting in the cowling side.