Lunch is off ... - German Forces | Gallery

Lunch is off ...

German mess truck (note the smoke stack) blazes in Poland, 1939. The truck is an example of the Henschel-designed 6 by 6 Einheitsdiesel "light cross-country standardised truck", which, apart from Henschel, was also produced, from 1937 to 1940, by several other German motor vehicle manufacturers. It was probably the closest the Germans came to producing a truly standard military truck. These vehicles were used in a wide range of roles, including mess truck/field kitchen, as here. Best regards, JR.

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I told you to much pepper?
First assignment out of boot camp. Mess cook in base galley feeding 2000 to 3000 men per meal four times a day in 2 hrs. My job the grill, one morning fried/scrammbled 17 cases of eggs at 24 dz. per case oh what fun. The base sponsored a Boy Scout Jamboree that weekend.