M-3 Stuart Light Tanks-Captured and/or modified? - Other Forces | Gallery

M-3 Stuart Light Tanks-Captured and/or modified?

Modified Stuart M-3 Light tank. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears to be a German modification by the looks of the gun, which looks to be a PAK 7.5cm, or maybe a a PAK 5.0 cm. I'm going with the PAK 7.5 cm. Italian Theater perhaps. Gun looks bigger than a 5.0 cm. Anyway, a S.P. PAK. Or so it would seem. Any Ideas ya'll? Oh yes, track links on front glacis plate look French. Wouldn't fit a Stuart in any case. Photo looks like Africa, but French track links don't fit. Italy, or , I don't really know. Some help?

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/other-forces/48817/m-3-stuart-light-tanks-captured-andor-modified

The tracks are possibly from Renault UE carriers that were also used.British shipped stuarts late and early models to Dubrovnik where soem were modified and used along with AEC armoured cars 1944 to end of war but I believe this beast still exisited in 1949
regards Zouave