Macedonia Is Greek

disagree? go learn your history

You could have supplied people with information and allowed them to form opinions, but no…

Minimalisdic you have the floor, in your own time. RANT ON

So was Sicilly, but it’s part of Italy now. Come to think of it, Iran and Egypt were too. How far do you intend to flog this particular historical dead horse? We can get as far as India and Afghanistan if you like…

Agreed, boundries, populations and languages change throughout time there’s no point argueing a mute point such as this. We may as well argue that Austria is still part of the Holy-Roman empire.

actually in a few minutes i got to go to school, so when i come back (providing i have time as ill have visitors then soccer training) ill provide you with historical facts and all

So was Sicilly, but it’s part of Italy now. Come to think of it, Iran and Egypt were too. How far do you intend to flog this particular historical dead horse? We can get as far as India and Afghanistan if you like…[/quote]

but the difference is with sicily and india and all, they KNOW Greeks conquered/settled there/them and all, while modern day ‘Macedonians’ from FYROM (Former YUGOSLAV Republic Of Macedonia) who are SLAVIC-Skopjans believe they did and not Greeks

even though Slavs hadnt migrated to the Balkans in the day Alexander walked this earth

Next thing they’ll say is that Bucefalas was a Zastava.

good, you are now supplying background and Information, you will be a valuable member of the site, if you did that before inviting argument.

Secondly. you havent disagreed with the other posters, they agree that populations migrate. I live in England but the region of the country that I live in is almost certainly celtic in its traditional ancestry.

Macedonia now has a high slavic Population what is your point, The people are Slavic, The land itself is just hills and rivers. once upon a time other nationalities lived there.

There is little point in your initial post it set out no premises or refernece points or intentions. it was CRAP.

Well, the place where my paternal grandfather was born ( and where my family used to own farmland ) is now divided between Russia and Poland (East Prussia). So what? I and, since my grandfather died (who was the last one of our family who has ever seen the land himself) no one of our family has any claims for this land. We lost it due to the idiotic Nazi politics, our ancestors had to run, and now we all have made our lives in the West. Whoever lives there now can keep it.


Is the Greek Macedonia in a different location to the FRY Macedonia ?

I met a bloke on another forum, him being a member of the Assyrian Christian minority in Iraq. He seriously demanded of the British and Americans to recreate the old Assyrian empire (which disappeared about 2000 years ago), with the reasoning that, since they used to rule huge parts of the Middle East long ago, they should be entiteled to rule it again… :shock: :roll:


Classical Greeks would have told you the exact opposite, Macedonia was NOT Greek and was indeed full of barbarians.

Later on you could argue that Greece was in fact Macedonian as Phillip II and Alexander (who were, according to the Greeks, Macedonian barbarians) thoroughly conquered all the Poleis of Greece.

You could also argue that Egypt was Macedonian (or Greek if you will) as after Alexander’s conquest his general Ptolemy and his scions ruled it for centuries.

There were some islands in the south atlantic, administered for a long weekend… :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Extra points for whoever can tell me what the origin of the word barbarian is and what it originally signfied.

Sorry about the edit to my above post, bit of a feck up on my part I’m afraid.

I’m not sure of the derivation but I was under the impression that “barbarian” meant “anybody who isn’t Greek” and/or didn’t speak what they defined as a proper language, i.e. “classical” Greek.

That’s pretty much exact - it referred to those who couldn’t speak Greek, because their language sounded rather like “BarBarBarBarBar” to the Greeks - hence Barbarian.

Close but no Cuban for you I’m afraid. There is a specific answer I’m looking for.

Oh, the wonders of A-level Ancient Greek with an eccentric teacher! Far too many years ago for me to remember much of it apart from the derivation of many English words.

That’s pretty much exact - it referred to those who couldn’t speak Greek, because their language sounded rather like “BarBarBarBarBar” to the Greeks - hence Barbarian.[/quote]

Sorry, missed your post as we moved to the next page. Absolutely correct!

Edited to add: Of course any of our Welsh contingent might just find that noise arousing!

The thing is that Greece doesn’t have any demands over FYROM.
We respect the borders and we’re not agressive.
We just want them to stop using the name Macedonia for their country-thats all.


How about the capital city of Western Australia stops using the name of a Scottish town first ?