Machinepistole 28/II (MP28/II) - Modern/Post-War Photos | Gallery

Machinepistole 28/II (MP28/II)

Calibre: 9mm Load: 32 rounds / Magazine fed Action: Singleshot/Fully-Automatic, Blowback Weight: 9.5 lbs

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Nice, clear image of an MP 28. This weapon was widely used by “secondary” German forces in the Polish and Western campaigns. At the time, this included the Waffen SS (VT) units. It continued to be important as a police weapon, used extensively by Orpo and SD security police to the end of the war. Appropriate, really - the MP 28 was developed essentially for police use from the “trench sweeper” MP 18, the first practical machine pistol introduced early in 1918 (in time for the “Kaiser’s Offensive”, the great Spring offensive of that year). The MP 28 was very similar to the MP 18. A critical difference proceeded from the requirement of the German police forces that the new submachine gun should be capable of single-shot as well as automatic fire. As a “trench sweeper”, the old MP 18 could fire on automatic only. This rendered it unsuitable for police use. The single-shot option also made the MP 28 much more suitable for use in “special actions” conducted by Einsatzgruppen and other special police formations in the course of the war. Best regards, JR.