Mad mad sport

Well after years of saying:

“I’ve got to try it one day but work/wife/kids/girlfriend etc etc etc wont allow it”

and then sloping off to think up another excuse, I finally got put on the spot and after one days training managed to fling myself out of a perfectly serviceable aircraft at 3400 feet.

All I can say is if you havn’t tried it and you get the chance, leap at it. Parachute at least one time in your life it’s brilliant.

BTW I’m off back to the club next saturday probably for continuation training and more jumps.

Sod that, get scared on a thick carpet (you know how hard it is to be 6 foot 3 and scared of heights?)

ah that’s what I’ve been thinking for years, it’s a fantastic feeling nothing to compare to it if you’re connected with British forces get out there and do it (Bad Lippspringe was where I jumped, it’s open to all arms and it’s dirt cheap, cost me 120€ for the course and now just 11€ for each additional jump)

(I wont say its better than sex as I’m not that sad, but it comes close) :lol:

Sounds like you had a great time. There is a trip being run by my unit this summer, It jsut goes to show what advantages and opportunities there are to getting involved in the Uk forces - or presumably anyones.

Ha just got this:

a still from a video about 4 seconds before I came to the conclusion “hey this isn’t that bad at all” :lol:

hehe :smiley: i got to try it!

South African Military, go for it if you get the chance. I’ve tried static line tandem and free fall. It’s scary but it gets better once you chute deploys. the hardest part( everytime) is stepping out. It gave me grudging respect for those who do it as a job.