Major-General Hugo Schwab. - Romanian Forces | Gallery

Major-General Hugo Schwab.

Major-General Hugo Schwab and German Officers. Kerch Peninsula, january 1944.

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Description of this photo is wrong, Romanian general Hugo Schwab (German ethnic from Transilvania) does not appear in this photo. The correct description should be: General Corneliu Teodorini* (2nd from left), Generaloberst Erwin Jaenecke (first from right) and Generalleutnant Karl Allmendinger (2nd from right) leaving the 17th Army Command in Stanowska. Kerch Peninsula - January 1944

*General Corneliu Teodorini -
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes - 27 August 1943;
Eichenlaub zum Ritterkreuz des E.K. - 8 December 1943;