Man on Mars? New "rover photo" surfaces

New interesting photo surfaces on Chinese website purporting to show a small anomaly appearing to be like a bi-pedal humanoid figure on the surface of Mars taken by one of the NASA rovers. Is is a hoax or another “trick of the light” like the giant face on Mars was?

Our man from Mars

ARM outstretched, head tilted in mid-stride — is this mystery figure the final proof that life exists on Mars?

The intriguing image was captured by Nasa’s six-wheeled robot explorer Spirit during its three-month mission to study the surface of the Red Planet.

Snapped at the rock-strewn Gusev Crater, believed by scientists to be the bed of an ancient lake, the grainy picture appears to show a Bigfoot-style alien creature strolling casually down a hill.

Spirit … found proof of life?

Its bulbous “head” is cocked to one side, as if in concentration, while its right “arm” appears to be reaching out for balance.

Scientists believe that if Mars DID once have surface water, it had the potential to support life.

And some say this could be the crucial evidence of inhabitants that they were seeking when they launched their £400million mission in 2003.

The “creature” was spotted when space enthusiasts analysed photos beamed 100million miles to Earth by Spirit and its twin explorer Opportunity.

Of course, hard-nosed realists may claim the “Martian” is simply a trick of the light and shadow on a dust-covered outcrop.

But whatever it shows, the mind-boggling image will set people guessing from Ibiza to the Norfolk Broads.

It’s a genuine space oddity.

Who is the face in space?

SO who, or what, is the star of Nasa’s freakiest picture show? Check out some possibilities in the slideshow, below.

Click here for slideshow

  1. It’s a Tusken Raider on a break from Star Wars
  1. It’s Mars’ version of Copenhagen’s Little Mermaid
  1. It’s England ace Wayne Rooney — once famously pictured lumbering out of the sea
  1. It’s boozy DCI Gene Hunt from telly’s Life on Mars — and he’s searching for a Mars bar
  1. It’s a rock, stoopid!

From The Sun

I’d like to know the resolution scale.

Unless they’re down to normal earth photo snapshots with a standard 50mm lens, there’s a good chance that thing is bigger than the rocket that launched the probe that took the photo.

Then that’d really be a man on Mars!

Assuming it’s not been Photoshopped.

The SUn, aka National Enquirer:)

LOL True enough. But I actually heard about this on CNN. So this is bigger than some tabloid “Batboy” story. So if it is a chop hoax, it happened before them…

I can’t seem to find it on any major news sites, though?

Neither could I --first thing this morning. In fact I had to really search to find a decent pic. But it is surfacing on more main stream news sources now. I only noticed it because I was staring at Kiran Chetry:,2933,324800,00.html


Sure reminds me of this though:

its my brother, i miss him so much

i wonder how much control houston has over this rover, cant they just get the damned thing closer?

Looks like he lost his marbles over stephenville, Texas.

Man on the MArs:)
This is a one more “yellow mass media” duck.
There is nothig in such harsh condition ( the almost vacuum and cold temperature at night)).
Except may be the the few primitive kind of bacteriums.
But Spirit has not found EVEN single bacterium:)
Just imagine as the scientist would happy if they find out something , distant looking as bacterium:)
This should a greaters discovery in the newest space history.
But man on the mars in a nonsence.
BTW if we speak about man on the mars- i heard the NASA doing to send the piloted spasecraft at there?
What is this - the “great plan” how to get more budget money, or real technical possibility?

Ok, guys, I’m sorry…
Got to admit my guilt…
I was lost while coming back from my friend’s wedding…
Didn’t want to confuse anybody :wink:

Good new , Kovalski has come back to us:)
Still drunk ( as we could conclude from his last post in this thread about Man on the mars).
And he is confusing us:)
Hay mate what about idea of frends wedding on the Mars:)?

Oh, I know…

This is either a clever photoshop (from China, where the photo surfaced) or some anomaly caused by light and perhaps a dust storm…

But, could it be an alien presence in a space suit?

Did not you know that already!?

Men are from Mars. Momen are from Venus!

So averything seem to be normal on that picture.

Alliens are already on Mars?:wink:
Damn , they should look so

Or maybe Big Foot/Yeti/Sasquatch have bases on Mars?:smiley:

It’s probably just an illusion like the classic “face” on Mars: