Marcel Albert, Hero of the Soviet Union. - French Forces | Gallery

Marcel Albert, Hero of the Soviet Union.

French fighter ace Captain Marcel Albert. Credited with a total of 24 victories (excluding a number of additional "doubtfuls"), 23 flown with the Normandie/Normandie Niemen Squadron/Regiment of the Free French air arm serving with Soviet forces on the Eastern Front, flying various models of the Soviet Yak fighter. His first victory occurred in May 1940 in France, flying a Dewoitine D520. The "Normandie" formation, sent to Russia on the initiative of General de Gaulle, flew with the Soviets from early 1943 to the end of the war, with considerable success, but also suffering substantial casualties. Best regards, JR.

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The Normandie Niemen squadron wasn’t purely french ethnic unit. The french were only pilots all the airfield pesonel was russian.