Massacre of Málaga-Almería road - Dramatic Photos | Gallery

Massacre of Málaga-Almería road

During the siege of the Republican city of Málaga, the National fleet and the Aviazione Legionaria perpetrated without mercilessly the massacre of nearly 5,000 civilians that were trying to escape of the besieged city by the road Málaga-Almería. In the picture, you can see a mother trying to feed her moribund child. In the background lies a body of a death man. April 8 of 1937. In addition: after the capture of Málaga, the Nationalist murdered nearly 20,000 people, most of them were the defenders, politicians and more innocent people. They were buried in mass graves.

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we don’t study nearly enough about the civil war in Spain and it’s relationship to WWll, especially the comming horrors perpetuated by the facist regimes.