Me 262 Night Fighter - Modern/Post-War Photos | Gallery

Me 262 Night Fighter

"I thought I'd put up some photos of the German Messerschmitt Me 262B-1a/U, "Red 8" as it would have been called. The Me 262 was, of course, the first jet fighter to see combat. This plane was a two-seat, radar equipped night-fighter and actually saw combat. It is also at the "War Museum" in Johannesburg, South Africa. The curator says it is the only two-seat 262 that saw combat still extant. According to the website Nachtjagdgeschwader 11 the plane was part of the Nachtjagdgeschwader 11, 10th Staffel, or 10th Squadron of the 11th Night Fighter Wing. It states further that it was flown by Pilot Oberleutnant Karl Weler and radar operator Oberstleutnant Kurt Welter, and that it surrendered at Schleswig. I have been in the cockpit and the radar screen is tiny, you could cover it with your hand. I don't know quite how it was used in practice, but I suppose it was a very early version of onboard radar."

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I am not so much into technics and stuff but the Me 262 is a most handsome looking bird. Interesting to see the two-seated version here, also the night camo is very nice to see especially that the plane is totally black from below.